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Claire Redfield
CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 11th December 2011
Hair: 30/71 Color: 85/-2/-27/0
Eyes: 2 / 9 color: -19/39/0
Eyebrows: 21/36 current color
tabs: 3 / 15 current color
lips: 15/17 color: 99/7/0
Makeup: 26/29 color: 96/0/0/0
Makeup: 28/29 color: 99/0/0/10

head 10/-40/-15
front: -65/-70/-45/-70
eyebrows -10/-75/-50/25
eyes 0/-5/0/0/0/0/0
Nose: 5/0/40/-20/-20/-35/0/5
cheeks 0/0/-10/0
mouth 0/-25/25/-100/-100/0/0
jaw: 5/-35/0/20/0/0
Ears: 0/0/0/-50

Height: 175cm
Neck: -55/25/-8
Chest: 7/18/4
Bust: -6/12/-13
shoulders: 7/2/8
Abdominal 8/8/-1
Waist: 9/-10
arms: -100/-5/-5
Legs: 15/18/-5

Top: 9 / 44 color: -13/-100/-100/57
Top: 15/44 color: -100/22/5
back tattoo: 20/24 color: 69/41/100/100
design on the back: 57/149 over the back tattoo color: -19/-100/59/100
Hands: 8 / 16 color: -13/-100/-100/100
bottom: 25/25 color: -36/25/-11
meshes: 1 / 17 color: -13/-100/-100/100/22
Belt: 10/20 current color
Footwear: 1 / 36 color: 89/11/-7

Name: Claire Redfield
abbreviated name: claire
presenter: your choice
Origin: Unknown
Weight: 68kg
public: good
Brand: Free Agent