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Chris Benoit
CAW by Dr Vries

More credits below

Date added: 24th November 2010
Credit to Baron von Rasche his 2010 was my base for Iamnomodders and my
2010 Benoit which was a base for my 2011 Benoit.

Face model 1

Hair: 4/ 0, 255, 0 / Length: 0
Head: 6, 5, 7
Cranium: 12, -75, -24, -8

Eye type: 1/ 113, 193, 69
Eye lashes: 4/ 16, 176, 45
Eye brows: 21/ 25, 91, 45
Lipstick: 2 / 10, 135, 210
Teeth: 2 / 21, 241, 180
Skin tone: 8, 3rd/ 8
Skin age: 25

Brows: -60, 57, 38, 47
Eyes: -15, -20, -33, -96, -11, 40, -33
Nose: -51, -100, -33, -67, -68, 79, -24, 47
Cheeks: -65, -6, 20, -75
Mouth: 77, -88, 24, -27, 57, 1, -40
Jaw: -19, -34, 25, 11, 23, -16
Ears: 25, -16, 18, 29

Height: 1,81m 5,9ft
Definition: 1

Neck: 8, 40, 30
Chest: -21, -3, 13, -21
Traps: 100, 8, 59
Shoulders: 13, 14, 0
Abdomen: 3, 18, 5
Waist: 31, -1
Arms: -27,-1, -7, 6, -4
Hands: -10, 0, 0
Legs: -29, -3, 1, -9, -6
Feet: -24, -9, 0



09: design 111/ 11, 129, 180
10: design 66/ 14, 142, 235
11: combination 25/ 16, 93, 91
12: mustache 12/ 15, 128, 160
13: design 107/ 13, 125, 177
14: design 107/ 13, 126, 175
15: sign "(" / 14, 122, 105
16: sign "(" / 13, 115, 120
17: design 130/ 14, 134, 212
18: sign "(" / 10, 124, 112
19: sign "(" / 10, 122, 115
20: letter page 5 "," / 13, 140, 150
21: combination 24/ 15, 141, 117


22: shorts and underwear 1/ default
23: wristbands 11/ 0, 255, 0
24: Tights 14/ 157, 108, 255
Painttool Logo
Painttool Logo

Lower Body:

25: boots 2 shortest style/ 0, 255, 0