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CAW by BrunoBarros

Date added: 18th November 2011

Head - 13,7,-1
Forehead - 30,-8,-3,7

Face Shape:
Eyebrows: 44,35,-20,-14
Eyes: 10,-7,-9,4,-8,16,8
Nose: -6,31,17,-100,52,5,9,28
Cheeks: -100,100,26,-17
Mouth: -20,-59,23,-29,0,14,40
Jaw: 35,-29,18,-30,26,-62
Ears: 0,0,0,0


Height - 178 cm

Body Shape:
Neck: -55,10,11
Chest: 6,26,21
Shoulders: -39,30,-41
Abdomem: -30,16,21
Waist: 8,9
Arms: -60,8,8
Hands: Default
Legs: -45,9,13
Feet: Default

- Layers -
1- Size: 5/9
2- Texture e Color 1/12 (90,3,-3)
3- Eye type: 1/9 (13,0,-49)
4- Eyebrows: 1/39 (88,0,-21)
5- Eyelashes: Default
6- Lips: 1/17 (93,0,0)
7- Teeth - Default
8- Hair: 61/71 Style 2 (82,55,-8,6))
9- Trunks/Underwear: 1 (-25,29,29)
10- Other: 36 (-100,14,-25)
11- Logo 104/149: In right side of underwear
12- Repeat layer 11, but rotate x 1
13 and 14 - Repeat layers 11 and 12 in left side of underwear
15- Knee Pads: 5/16 (-25,29,29,100)
16- Socks: 1/21 (-25,29,29,100,47)
17- Boots & Shoes: 29/37 (Color 1 : -12,51,21) (Color 2 : -95,0,-100)
18- Hands: 6/16 (White)

Name: Carlito
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Abbreviated Name: Carlito
Annoucer Introduction: Your Choice
Hometown: Miami,Flórida
Weight Class: 100 kg
Crownd Reaction: Good
Show: RAW