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Brock Lesnar
CAW by Aspe_5ACs

Date added: 13th May 2012
hair- 47/71 86,0,0
head- 10,38,0
forehead- -20,7,37,0

eyes type- 1/9 15,-100,-39
eyelashes- 15/15 current color
eyebrows- 6/39 85,0,-5
mouth lips- 1/17 96,0,0
teeth- 1/14 8,0,0
skin texture and color- 11/12 90,0,0
age- 43
eyebrows- -97,-6,-48,59
eyes- -7,-18,-19,-16,-10,10,17
nose- 5,-35,28,9,90,37,-20,-48
cheeks- -38,-100,100,29
mouth- -31,-4,-100,-9,77,100,-6
jaw- -40,77,100,100,-10,77
ears- default

height- 6.3
body type- 0
shape neck- -77,44,23
chest- 43,39,24
shoulders- -22,54,13
abdomen- -13,39,22
waist- 3,8
arms- 47,21,8
hands- 5,35,13
legs- 61,30,14
feet- default

size- 5/9
tattoos- logo,arms,left arm, 29/149 -19,0,-100,100
tattoos- logo,arms,right arm, 113/149 87,-43,-68,100
tattoos- logo,torso, 99/149 -18,-100,-27,100
tattoos- logo,torso, rotate 90 degrees -19,-100,-27,100

upper body- armwear,hands,both hands, 7/16 stylize 2 21,-100,-72
lower body- wrestling tights 17/17 stylize 3
1st color -32,0,-100
2nd color -100,82,31
boots and shoes 32/37 -11,0,-95