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Bret Hart
CAW by Frothy Da 4EKO

Date added: 9th September 2011
Template: 1
Skin/Age: 40
Hair: 44-12,200,32,100
Eyes: 1-150,150,150
Eyelashes: 15
Eyebrows: 7-12,200,32

Face Shape:
Head- Default
Cranium- Default
Eyebrows- -100,100,0,-35
Eyes- Default
Nose- 25,100,10,-15,15,20,0,35
Cheeks- Default
Mouth- -5,10,5,-30,0,0,10
Jaw- -25,-5,-25,-5,-25,-100
Ears- Default

Height: 6'1'' (240 lbs)
Size: 1
Neck- -50,0,0
(Everything else is default.)

Bret Hart has many different combinations of pink, white, and black on his outfit. Be creative. For his entrance/cinematic attire, leave the same as ring attire, only put on the leather jacket (Upper Body/Jackets/9), and put on his purple glasses (Head Wear/Glasses/20 -both colors are purple-)

Crowd Signs: Optional
Menu Screen Pose: 7
Abilities: Hammer Throw,Durability,Leverage Pin,Outside Dives,Resiliency
Attributes: Max out everything

Name: Bret Hart
Nickname: Hit Man
Nickname Placement: Middle
Abbreviated Name: The Icon
Audio Name: ICON
Hometown: Calgary, Canada
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Show: Legend