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CAW by Sai1105

Date added: 15th August 2012
Template 1
Hair: 3/71
Head Shape: 100, -51, 8
Forehead shape: 38, 52, 51, -26

Eye type, eye lash, eyebrows all DEFAULT
Lips, teeth DEFAULT
Skin texture 2/12 Colour: 91, 0, -5
Age default (0)

Eyebrows 0,0,0,100
eyes angle 43, the rest 0
nose 100,49,45,-100,0,0,-8,-100
cheeks ALL 0
mouth 0,-100,-1,-100,0,0,0
jaw 100,0,46,73,100,100
ears ALL 0

Height: 203cm
Body type: -60
Neck: 13,100,100
Chest: 100,100,92
Shoulders: -24,100,-75
Abdomen: 100,37, 85
Waist: 48,13
Arms: 93,57,100
Hands: 30,47,37
Legs: 100,40,64
Feet: -44, 33, 29

Size: 8/9


1. Headwear/Mask 20/23 Colour: -30,-16,-73,100

2. Tattoos/Logo 146/149, largest vertical, largest horizontal, -18,-100,34,100 Make sure covers entire mouth

3. Tattoos/Logo 138/149, largest vertical largest horizontal, -18,-100,30,100 Make sure it’s tip is in between eyes AND slightly above eye level. Don’t worry about the gap between this and the previous logo.

4. Face Paint 40/89, -30,-100,32,100

5. Tattoos/Logo 146/149 second largest vertical, second largest horizontal, -18,-100,29,100 Use this to fill the gap mentioned above.

6. Tattoos/Logo 103/149 Rotate once, largest horizontal, largest vertical. -26,-31,-24,100 Use this to cover the white patch on his forehead

7. DO THIS TWICE - Tattoos/Logo 97/149 Rotate once, largest vertical, largest horizontal, -18,-100,28,100 Use to cover BOTH his eyes

8. SEE 7.

9. Makeup 1/29, the thicker one, -100,100,46,100

10. DO THIS TWICE -Tattoos/Logo 97/149 Rotate once, smallest horizontal, second largest vertical, -100,100,25,100 Use to cover the gap between BOTH EYES & EYEBROWS.

11. SEE 10.

12. Clothing/Upper Body/Wrestling attire 6/18 -30,-16,-72,100

13. Clothing/Lower Body/Wrestling tights 1/17 -30,-16,-77,100

14. Clothing/Footwear/Boots & Shoes 2/37 Second style (mid-height) -30,-16,-74

15. Clothing/Upper Body/Armwear/Hands/Right hand 8/16 -31,-16,-75,100

16. Clothing/Upper Body/Armwear/Hands/Left Hand 1/16 -30,-16,-74,100

17. Clothing/Lower Body/ Belts 6/20 -20,-100,-12,100

Name: Bane
Nickname: Default
Placement: None
Abbreviation: Bane
Announcer Intro: The Masked Man
Hometown: The Caribbean
Weight: 159kg (super heavyweight)
Brand: Up to you. I placed him in Raw to beat the shit out of Cena.
(To confirm Bane’s height and weight: