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AJ Styles
CAW by Zagrebin Bogdan

Date added: 20th January 2011
AJ Styles CAW for PS2
Start with template 2
Hair 1 (80,-3,-18)
Head (18,14,-5)
Forehead (0,-17,-11,10)
Type 1 (-11,5,-1)
Eyelashes 15
Eyebrows 24 (88,16,0)
Lips 1 (96,0,0)
Teeth default
Texture and Color 2 (91,3,5)
Age 0
Eyebrows (-57,-1,-27,-56)
Eyes (-3,-17,24,-20,-30,-26,-17)
Nose (-18,-27,10,15,8,5,4,27)
Cheeks (-32,-31,3,45)
Jaw (-64,9,-19,-8,-48,-29)
Ears (9,12,-22,23)
Height 180cm
Body type 1
Neck (7,9,2)
Chest (-40,-10,-1)
Shoulders (-40,8,-46)
Abdomen (7,7,-3)
Waist (-5,6)
Arms (-60,-7,-4)
Hands (0,0,0)
Legs (6,-8,10)
Feet (0,0,0)
Size 3/9
Tatoos, Lettering, Torso,
Alphabet 15/17, choose A,
biggest horizontal and vertical,
placement at abdomen (see the
help pic) (-100,-100,-100,65)
Tattoos, Leterring, Torso,
Alphabet 15/17, choose J,
biggest horizontal and vertical,
placement at abdomen (see the
help pic) (-100,-100,-100,65)
Trunks/Underwear 4
Wrestling Tights 1
Tight design, both legs 15 (color
Boots and Shoes 37 (-13,-100,-66)
Elbows 2 (-13,-100,-64,100)
Arms/Wrists 15 (-35,33,-23,100)
Jackets 21, style 1 (-33,60,34)
Name: AJ Styles
Nickname: The Phenomenal
Nickname placement: Prefix
Abbreviated name: AJ Styles
Announcer Introduction: The
Hometown: North Carolina
Weight: 90 kg
Crowd: Cheer