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The Big Show
CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 19th July 2012
Viewed: 11968 times
Rating: 5.5/10 (16 votes)

hair: 3/71
head: 42/22/12

Eyes: 1/9 color: 13/0/-33
Eyebrows: 1/39 color: -100/7/-100
Skin Tone: 2/12 color: 91/0/-3
Templates: 15/27 color: 90/0/-39/100
templates: 1/27 color: 89/0/-37/100
Templates: 23/27 color: 87/0/-72/100
paint: 63/89 color: 94/11/32/13

Eyebrows: -58 / 25/0/12
eyes 34/-12/-15/22/-26/31/-13
22/34/56/-18/31/22/-27/16 nose
cheeks 6/-33/27/-55
mouth -52/-56/-61/0/29/-33/43
jaw: 100/98/41/-25/40/-67

Height: 218 cm
complexion: 52
Neck: -9/34/31
Chest: 43/28/10
shoulders -60/75/-77
Abdominal -52/8/3
Waist: 7/-18
arms: 4/23/9
hands 9/-9/7
Legs: -8/-25/-10
tattoo right arm: 138/148 color: 100/-17/-62/46

Underwear: 1/22 color: 72/-10/-100
knee: 15/16 color: -13/-100/-100/100
Boots: 1/37 color: -13/-100/-30
Hands: 7/16 second style color: 21/-23/-100
attire: 6/18 Design: 10/52 color: 73/-7/-60/100
Design: 103/149 left corner color: -18/-100/-100/100 (Help yourself with the image)
Design: 103/149 right corner color: -18/-100/-100/100 (Help yourself with the image)

Name: big show
abbreviated name: big show
Presenter: the monster
origin: south carolina
Weight: 182kg
public: poor
Brand: raw