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Tank "Omega" Diggs
CAW by Riko321

Date added: 30th September 2010
Viewed: 5709 times
Rating: 3.6/10 (20 votes)

Hair 23/76 (-92,11,64,-45)
Eyes 2/9 (-44,54,1)
Eyebrows 17/35 default color
Lips (100,11,-14)
Skin texture 10/12 (100,3,-23,0)

Face morphing:
Eyebrows (100,50,30,50)
Eyes (0,-40,0,40,-20,60,10)
Nose (10,100,-10,-30,10,30,30,20)
Cheeks (30,50,40,0)
Mouth (0,-10,-30,10,-70,-50,-20)
Jaw (0,10,10,-10,40,40)

Body type 3/11
Height: 6’1” should be 269-276lbs
Neck (9,23,60)
Chest (16,45,43)
Shoulders (33,62,39)
Abdomen (5,38,40)
Waist (41,22)
Arms (10,52,43)
Legs (0,23,25)
Design Torso Tattoo 23/24 (100,-100,-23,100)
Design Back Tattoo 19/24 (100,-100,-23,100)
Design Arms Both Tattoo 124/140 (100,-100,-23,100)

Ring Attire:
Armwear Elbows both 4/10 default
Armwear hands both 7/17 (100,-100,-15)
Trunks 1/19
Wrestling Tights 6/14 1st color white 2nd color black

Entrance Attire:
Copy R. Attire and add:
Hat 2/38 Straight Backwards black
Upperbody accessories 21/35 default
Tops 11/47 tucked in (100,-100,-47)
Footwear 19/44 default

Cinematic Attire:
Copy E. Attire and remove hat

Name: Tank Diggs
Nickname: Omega
Nick. Placement: I use Middle
Audioname: Omega
Hometown: The Isle of Samoa
C.Reaction: Your choice
Show: Your choice, I use smackdown