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CAW by thewwecartoons123

Date added: 14th November 2009
Viewed: 39406 times
Rating: 3.3/10 (318 votes)

body size- 4
skin texture and color- 2; 100,-3,7,0
eye type- 1; default
lips- 1; default
teeth- 1; default
hair- 70; -100,-100,-100,-64

head- default
forehead- -20,20,-30,0
eyebrows- -100,-100,50,-50
eyes- -10,-20,10,40,10,50,-40
nose- 6,73,48,29,51,-6,10,-20
cheeks- -20,0,-40,10
mouth- -50,-20,-50,20,-10,-50,-40
jaw- 100,0,57,-44,-46,-1
ears- default

trunks & underwear- default
facepaint- 36; default
facepaint- 12; -100,-100,-100
facepaint- 24; default
wrestling attire- 1; -100,-100,-100
wrestling tights- 1; -100,-100,-100
boots- 1;-100,-100,-100

enterance jacket- 23;-100,-100,-100

FACEPAINT- all you will need to do is use these "(" and the letter I. copy the picture above