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CAW by DjRay

Date added: 30th November 2009
Viewed: 51182 times
Rating: 7.7/10 (278 votes)


Hair: 53/76, default
head: 10, 10, 0
forehead: 27, -10, 0, -38

eyes: 1/9, black
eyelashes: default
eyebrows: 25/35, default

lips: 15/17, 100, -9, 0
teeth: default

skin: texture/color: 7/12, default
age: 4

Face Shape:
eyebrows: 100, -100, 100, 42
eyes: -33, 0, 0, -62, -10, 41, -22
nose: 13, -3, -44, 19, -100, 99, 7, 19
cheeks: -100, 100, -100, 100
mouth: -16, 21, 7, 0, -46, -58, -43
jaw: 100, -34, 32, 40, 52, -65
ears: 0, 100, -100, 0

Facial Hair:
mustache: 5/13 100, 0, 0, 46
mustache: 4/13 100, 0, 0, 8


Height: 6'3", 250 lbs, Heavyweight (weight based on ratio according to the game)
Size: 1/11

neck: default
chest: 0, 0, 10
shoulders: 14, 10, 0
abs: 0, 0, -10
waist: default
arms: default
hands: default
legs: default
feet: default


trunks & underwear: default
wrestling tights: 4/14 100, -100, 100, 100, 100 (all white)
arms/wrists: 14/21 100, -100, 100, 100, 100 (all white)
arm accessories: 8/14 100, -100, 100, 100, 100 (all white)
tight designs: 24/140 87, 100, 28, 100
face paint 1: 26/86 15, 98, 37, 100
face paint 2: 5/86 (right) -25, -7, -15, 100
face paint 3: 8/86 -9, 39, -31, 100
face paint 4: 5/86 (left) -25, -7, -15, 100
boots & shoes: 44/44 (1st color) -17, 62, 15 (2nd color) -25, 23, -23


Two parts, just mirror the other one so that one is opposite of the other. One for the left side and one for the right side in no particular order.
(Refer to image for help)


01- size
02- texture/color
03- type
04- eyebrows
05- eyelashes
06- lips
07- teeth
08- hair
09- trunks & underwear
10- mushstache
11- paint tool data
12- paint tool data
13- wrestling tights
14- arms/wrists
15- arm accessories
16- tight designs
17- face paint 1
18- face paint 2
19- face paint 3
20- face paint 4
21- mustache
22- boots & shoes
23- jacket (entrance attire)

Note: Play around with colors. Sting used many different colors so be creative and have fun with his attire colors. Also play around with the face paint as well.