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Mr. Niebla
CAW by popoteconcoca

Date added: 24th August 2010
Viewed: 8133 times
Rating: 8.5/10 (70 votes)

Pantilla # 1

Hair: 2
Head: 6/12/8
Forehead: -38/-100/27/36

Eye type: 7/9: Default
Eye lashes: 1: 100/0/0
Eye brows: 7: 100/0/0
Lips: 1: 100/-10/0
Skin tone: 8/12: 100/-5/0/10
Skin age: 15

Brows: -100/98/94/18
Eyes: 10/-23/-84/-11/17/36/-9
Nose: -40/-53/2/-19/78/-3/40/86
Cheeks: 39/-20/14/20
Mouth: -10/-33/40/0/45/60/-23
Jaw: 99/38/23/8/92/100
Ears: 36/5/-21/-100

Height: 180/104 Kgs.
Definition: 1
Neck: -30/15/15
Chest: 14/53/65
Shoulders: -13/49/5
Abdomen: -20/47/40
Waist: 42/28
Arms: 0/15/10
Hands: 0/0/0
Legs: 23/6/13
Feet: -33/-16/0

makeup 17/22: 100/-100/-100/100
tights 1/14: 100/-100/-100/99/99
socks 1/9: 100/-100/100/100
design 93/140: 100/-100/-100/99 (looking at the picture right leg)
design 93/140: 100/-100/-100/99 (see picture left leg)
Paint Tool (the image number 4, of the tights)(x2)(right and left)
underwear 7/19: 100/-100/100
arms accessories 8/14: 100/-100/100/0
masks 19/23: color 1: 100/-100/-100 second change
color 2: 100/-100/-100 change first
Paint Tool (the image number 5, of the mask)(x2)(right and left)(eagles with the initials)
elbow 2/10: 100/-100/-100
arms 13/21: 100/-100/100/100
boots 40/44: color 1: 100/-100/-100
color 2: 100/-100/100
design 130/140: 100/-100/-100 (see picture)
makeup 2/22: 100/-100/-100
design 103/140: 100/-100/100 (see picture)
Paint Tool: the image number 3 (the image of the mask)