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L.A Park
CAW by The Fanged Freak

Date added: 26th September 2010
Viewed: 19130 times
Rating: 8.4/10 (133 votes)

Start with Template 1

Hair 21 [81/-100/-65/88]

Head [62/64/32]
Forehead [100/100/-92/7]

Eyes 9 [100/81/-7]
Eyelids 1
Eyebrows 1
Lips 1 [89/-11/3]
Teeth 1 [87/0/0]

Skin Tone 1 [90/-100/-66]

Eyebrows [-100/-100/65/100]
Eyes [36/-24/-42/-100/58/0/32]
Nose [-8/41/-11/-100/-57/-3/9/-96]
Cheeks [-6/-100/-15/0]
Mouth [100/-100/-76/-100/-69/-82/-98]
Jaw [50/32/-31/-100/100/64]
Ears [100/0/0/0]

Height [1,84 CM]

Complex [31]

Neck [-27/6/20]
Chest [0/56/13]
Shoulders [-11/12/-36]
Abd [-5/2/17]
Waist [16/3]
Arms [-1/10/-4]
Hands [0/1/0]
Legs [-6/8/4]
Feet [-38/-29/0]

Now everything must be in order...

09: Underwear 1 [-25/-100/-25]
10: Wrists 12 Design 51 [-9/-100/61/100]
11: Mask Design 36 [-33/-100/31/100]
12: Paint 69 (Right Side) [100/-100/-11/100]
13: Paint 69 (Left Side [100(-100/-11/100]
14: Paint 12 [100/-100/0/100]
15: Shoes 32 [-11/-100/-3]
16: Hats 20 [100/-100/-66]
17: Bottoms 41 [-13/-100/-69]
18: Belts 22 [76/-100/49/100]
19: Tops 1 (1st: None, 2nd: 1 click to RIGHT)[-13/-100/-74]
20: Body Accesories 11 [92/-100/52]
21: Back Tattoo 21 [-18/-100/-26/100]
22: Legs Tattoo 36 [-18/-100/55/100]
23: Arms Tattoo 116 [-17/-100/0/100]

Layers 24, 25, 26 & 27 are in his legs..

24: Legs Design 103 (2 clicks UP, 1 click RIGHT)(see REF 1, GREEN)[-18/-100/50/100]
25: Do the same in his other leg.
26: Legs Design 103 (1 click LEFT, 2 clicks UP)(see REF 2, GREEN)[-18/-100/50/100]
27: Do the same in his other leg.

Layers 28, 29 & 30 are in his upper body..

28: Body Design 138 (Rotate 3 times)(see REF 3, GREEN)[-18/-100/-14/100]
29: Do the same on the other side of his chest. (Rotate 1 time)
30: Body Design 148 (see REF 4, GREEN)[-18/-100/-12/100]

Layers 31 & 32 are in his face...

31: Face Design 146 (1 click RIGHT)(see REF 5, GREEN)[-18/-100/59/100]
32: Face Design 99 (see REF 6, GREEN)[-18/-100/-10/100]


L.A. Park
La Unica y Original
None [or Prefix]
L.A. Park
The Maniac [or The Disaster]
116 KG

...and that all!