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CAW by Spamming Nooblet

Date added: 3rd July 2010
Viewed: 16574 times
Rating: 3.7/10 (79 votes)

3 Paint Tool designs are required to make this caw, the help pic will show you how they should look.

1. His Eyes

2. His Hair Strands

3. For this design, just fill the entire space with the color: Black (Not the Dark Grey color from the "Normal Palette" section, but the Black color on the upper right side of the "Monochromatic" section)

Templates: Any


Hair: 30/76 (Color= X: 100/ Y: -1/ Shade: -100)

Head Shape: Default
Forehead Shape: Default


The eyes dont matter, they will be covered by the mask this caw will be wearing.

Lips: 1/17 (Color= X: 100/ Y: -15/ Shade: 13)
Teeth: 1/14 (Color= X: 100/ Y: -62/ Shade: 55)

Texture/Color: 8/12 (Color= X: 100/ Y: -7/ Shade: 11/ Specular: 0)
Age: 0


Eyebrows: -93/ 100/ -6/ 13
Eyes: 0/ 100/ 4/ -100/ 32/ 100/ 95
Nose: -57/ -30/ -60/ -64/ -28/ -18/ 0/ -12
Cheeks: Default
Mouth: 7/ -43/ 0/ 0/ 0/ -2/ -41
Jaw: 25/ -62/ -6/ 0/ 0/ 0
Ears: 57/ 0/ 0/ 0


Height: Find Out Online

Body Type
Size: 3/11


Neck: -13/ 8/ 30
Chest: 0/ 16/ 25
Shoulders: 17/ 16/ 19
Abdomen: 5/ 19/ 15
Waist: 18/ 20
Arms: 10/ 6/ 5
Hands: Default
Legs: 72/ 26/ 21
Feet: Default


Headwear- Masks: 11/23 (Color= X: -80/ Y: -28/ Shade= -8)

Upper Body- Tops: 23/47 (2nd Style) (Color= X: -54/ Y: 71/ Shade: -37)

Upper Body- Armwear- Arms/Wrists- Both Arms: 13/21 (Color= X: 25/ Y: 62/ Shade: -7)

Lower Body- Bottoms: 24/41 (Color= X: -51/ Y: 64/ Shade: -31)

Lower Body- Belts: 5/26 (Color= X: -89/ Y: 100/ Shade: -32)

Footwear- Socks: 19/19 (Color= X: 43/ Y: 98/ Shade: -37)

Footwear- Boots & Shoes: 12/44 (Color= X: 100/ Y: -100/ Shade: -100)


YOU MUST READ THE FOLLOWING to understand how to shape the designs and where to put them.

For SIZE, positive numbers mean to extend the design that many times, negative numbers mean to shrink the design that many times.

For POSITION, positive numbers mean to move the design UP (Vertical) or LEFT (Horizontal) that many times, negative numbers mean to move the design DOWN (Vertical) or RIGHT (Horizontal) that many times.

1. Head- Tattoos- Logo: 103/140
(Size= Height: Dont change/ Width: As wide as possible) (Position= Horizontal: 6/ Vertical: 49) (Color= X: 8/ Y: -58/ Shade: 51/ Transparency: 100)

2. Head- Tattoos- Logo: 103/140
(Size= Height: Dont change/ Width: As wide as possible) (Position= Horizontal: -9/ Vertical: 49) (Color= X: 8/ Y: -58/ Shade: 51/ Transparency: 100)

3. Head- Tattoos- Logo: 103/140
(Size= Height: Dont change/ Width: As wide as possible) (Position= Horizontal: 24/ Vertical: 4) (Color= Same as the previous design layer)

4. Head- Tattoos- Logo: 103/140
(Size= Height: Dont change/ Width: As wide as possible) (Position= Horizontal: -30/ Vertical: 4) (Color= Same as the previous design layer)

5. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 1)
(Size= Height: 42/ Width: 62) (Position= Horizontal: -1/ Vertical: 22)

6. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 2)
(Size= Height: 39/ Width: 23) (Position= Horizontal: -2 /Vertical: 38)

7. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 3)
(Size= Height: 40/ Width: 52) (Position= Horizontal: 84 / Vertical: 30)

8. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 3)
(Size= Height: 20/ Width: 3) (Position= Horizontal: 47/ Vertical: 40)

9. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 3)
(Size= Height: 20/ Width: 10) (Position= Horizontal: -50/ Vertical: 40)

10. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 3)
(Size= Height: 32/ Width: 90) (Position= Horizontal: Dont move/ Vertical: 85)

11. Head- Tattoos- Paint Tool Data (Design 3)
(Size= Height: 50/ Width: 138) (Position= Horizontal: 85/ Vertical: 77)

12. Body- Tattoos- Logo- Arms- Right Arm: 103/140
(Size= Height: -9/ Width: As wide as possible) (Position= Horizontal: Dont move/ Vertical: 13) (Color= X: 4/ Y: -59/ Shade: 38/ Transparency: 100)

13. Repeat Design Layer 12 on the Left Arm.


Name: Gohan
Nickname: None
Nickname Placement: None
Abbreviated Name: Gohan
Audio Name: Your Choice
Hometown: Japan
Crowd Reaction: Your Choice
Show: Your Choice