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Drew McIntyre
CAW by RaTed_RK0

Date added: 5th April 2010
Viewed: 28500 times
Rating: 7.9/10 (184 votes)

Name: Drew McIntyre
Nickname: none
Nickname Placement: none
HUD Name: McIntyre
Announcer Introduction: your choice
Hometown: Scotland
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: Smackdown!

Start with face template 11

Hair: 66 (100,-5,-35,0)
*Head Morphing:*
Head: 6,8,0
Forehead: 0,20,0,3

Eye Type: 1 default
Eyebrows: 1 (100,0,-10)
Lips: 1 (100,5,-6)
Teeth: 1
Texture/Color: 10 (100,0,0,0)
Age: 9

*Face Morphing*
Eyebrows: -100,-40,30,-20
Eyes: 6,-37,0,-29,18,44,-12
Nose: 0,11,-31,0,-49,17,1,-16
Cheeks: -11,4,-29,-38
Mouth: 42,-72,-44,-12,2,3,-31
Jaw: 6,-32,3,0,-21,-52
Ears: 0,-100,0,-31

*Body Morphing*
*Start with size 2
Neck: -40,0,0
Chest: 0,-20,-20
Shoulders: -20,0,0
Abdomen: -10,5,0
Waist: 6,10
Arms: 0,-25,0
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: 18,3,0
Feet: -18,-10,-13

Underwear: 17 (100,-100,-100) or white
Knee Pads: 10 (100,0,-20) or white
Arms/Wrists: 1 (100,-100,-100,100,0)
Boots & Shoes: 1 (size medium) (100,-100,-40)