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CM Punk
CAW by Gamevolt

Face base by RaTed_RK0

Date added: 11th August 2010
Viewed: 40585 times
Rating: 8.5/10 (443 votes)

Face model 1

Hair: 9 default or 16 / 100 -13, -48, 100
Head: 14, 17, 7
Forehead: 0, -47, -20, -3

Eye type: 1 / 35, -11, -7
Eye lashes: 4 / default
Eye brows: 1/ 100, -3, -9
Lips: 1 / 100, 0, 0
Teeth: 1 / default
Skin tone: 10 / 100, 3, 2, 5
Skin age: 15

Brows: -100, 100, 18, -64
Eyes: 13, -45, -27, -19, 56, 5, -14
Nose: -16, -23, -37, -12, 14, 32, -9, 11
Cheeks: -100, -100, 27, -6
Mouth: 62, -46, 5, -13, -20, -1, -26
Jaw: 100, 69, 32, 37, 21, 8
Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

Height: 185 cm
Definition: 4
Neck: 0, -15, -5
Chest: 0, -15, -10
Shoulders: -10, 0, -15
Abdomen: 0, -15, -5
Waist: 0, 0
Arms: 0, -15, -15
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 0, -15, -15
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Hair: 2/ -100, -100, -55, 100
Trunks: 17/ 100, -100, -90
Other: 22/ 100, -3, -18
Combinations: 14/ 100, -3, -37, 100
Mustache: 10/ 100, 0, 0, 100
Goatee: 1/ 100, -3, -18, 100
Piercings: 9/ 100, -100, 0
Paint Tool Tattoo Right arm - See reference pic
Tattoo - Logo - Right Arm: 130/ 5, -53, 30, 20 - Place so it covers the whole tattoo
Paint Tool Tattoo Left arm - See reference pic
Tattoo - Logo - Left Arm: 130/ 5, -53, 30, 20 - Place so it covers the whole tattoo
Tattoos - Paint Tool - Torso - See refference pic
Elbows: Right only 3/ 100, -100, 3
Knee Pads: 2/ 100, -100, -45
Boots: 5/ 100, -100, 0