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CM Punk
CAW by RaTed_RK0

Date added: 10th April 2010
Viewed: 30114 times
Rating: 6.9/10 (237 votes)

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (-100, 100, 18, -64)
Eyes: (74, -45, 6, -19, 56, -5, -14)
Nose: (-16, -23, -37, -12, 14, 32, -9, 11)
Cheeks: (-100, -100, 27, -6)
Mouth: (100, -100, 100, -49, -8, 96, -71)
Jaw: (100, 69, 32, 37, 21, 8)
Ears: (0, 0, 0, 0)
Skin Aging: 0

Size: 3

For the goatee:
Layer/head/other and 23/34

For the t-shirt try to do the logo ;)
Put stars in his boots