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Bryan Danielson
CAW by DragonHart

Date added: 16th January 2010
Viewed: 26747 times
Rating: 5.3/10 (123 votes)

Template 2: looks just like him no need to fix

Hair: Bald (there are no good hair's that look right)

Height: 5'9 or 5'10 make taller if you want

Body Type: Size 4

Trunks and Underwear 17: Red X:14 Y:62 Shade:-70

Knee Pads 7 Red: X:70 Y:28 Shade:-15

Boots 36 Red: X:21 Y:30 Shade:-15

Crowd Signs: Tap Out, Match Of The Century, Immune To Fear

Vs Screen Pose 14

Name: Bryan Danielson

Nickname: The American Dragon

Nickname Placement: Middle

Audio Name: The Natural

Hometown: Washington