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Ben J
CAW by ABCPierce32

Date added: 11th July 2010
Viewed: 5937 times
Rating: 4.3/10 (27 votes)

Face Template:6
Hair:4 X100 Y-100 Shade-40
Head Shape: 5,0,5
Forehead Shape: -20,60,-30,10
Eye Type:1 X-17 Y39 Shade-7
Eyebrows:1 X100 Y-15 Shade-10
Lips:1 X100 Y-15 Shade-15
Skin Texture:1 X100 Y3 Shade-18 Specular0
Eyebrows: 100,0,30,78
Eyes: 35,0,0,-20,-20,50,17
Nose: 30,-30,0,-40,20,-30,70,10
Cheeks: -50,-50,-50,-50
Mouth: -60,-25,-40,30,40,60,5
Jaw: 65,10,10,15,45,-30
Facial Hair-mustache:1 X100 Y-100 Shade-12 Transparency100

Height: 5'6" 147lbs
Body Size:5
Body Shape: Leave settings alone
Hat:1 (move 2x to left) X25 Y10 Shade20
Upper Body-
Tops:1 X100 Y-100 Shade-55
Logo: WWE 39
Arm Accessories: (right)1 X100 Y100 Shade25
Lower Body-
Bottoms:12 (skinny) X100 Y-100 shade40
Jacket:3(open)(entrance only) X100 Y100 Shade34

The rest is up to you