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Alex Shelley
CAW by JamesDavidStyles

Date added: 24th July 2010
Viewed: 15117 times
Rating: 6.9/10 (107 votes)

Start With Template - 1

Hair - 47 - 100,-100.0

Head - 46,-8,-23
Forehead - Deefault

Eyes - 1 - -5,22,0
Eyebrows - 5 - 100,0,0
Skin - 1 - Default
Age - 15

Eyebrows - -100,0,48,-51
Eyes - -44,-42,-9,-34,66,-66,-3
Nose - 3,-28,-42,9,-30,1,-3,16
Cheeks - -73,-87,9,-9
Mouth - 33,-42,-8,-56,-35,-56,37
Jaw - -37,5,6,-10,11,11
Ears - 11,7,10,-22

Facial Hair
Combinations -25 - -100,-100,-11,58
Sideburns - 13 - -100,-100,29,3
Combinations - 3 - -100,-100,-5,42
Goatee - 11 - -100,-100,-7,100

The rest you can do how you want it =]
if you want help i will put it on the Xbox Live Community Creations ( My Gamertag is JamesDavidStyle)