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Entrance by StoneCold17

Date added: 6th February 2010
Viewed: 2119 times
Rating: 9.1/10 (7 votes)


Motion: Jeff Hardy
Fireworks: None
Screen effect: Entrance Movie-Wide (trigger about 1 sec in)
Lightning: Matt Hardy


Motion: Shawn Michaels DX
Fireworks: None
Screen effect: None
Lightning: DX
Place nameplate in the middle


Motion: Superstar 9
Fireworks: None
Screen effect: None
Lightning: DX

-Ring in-

Motion: The Miz
Fireworks: None
Screen effect: None
Lightning: DX

Motion: JTG (trust me it fits)
Fireworks: Ring DX (trigger when he does jtg taunt on the ropes)
Screen effect: None
Lightning: DX


Champion Entrance: Shawn Michaels DX or The Miz
Movie: DX
Music: D-Generation-X or Big Daddy V