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Rob Van Dam
Entrance by iNSTANT CLASSiC 118

Date added: 25th August 2009
Viewed: 3353 times
Rating: 9.2/10 (34 votes)

Motion: Superstar 05
Fireworks:Stage Fireworks 03 ( right at the start )
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Superstar 05

Motion: Superstar 05
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Superstar 05

Motion: Superstar 05
Fireworks: None (or MVP because the fireworks Fit into the RVD taunt)
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Superstar 05

Ring in:
Motion: Superstar 05
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Superstar 05

Motion: Superstar 05
Fireworks: None (or Ring Fireworks 15 which i use for all my caws anyway)
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Superstar 05

Champion Entrance: Superstar 05
Entrance Movie: CM Punk (because he is a highflyer and uses his feet alot like RVD)
Music: RVD theme, ECW theme or Music 02 (i used muisc 02 because its heavy and RVD usually has Heavy Metal Entrance music)

Rate Please as its my First time submitting :D