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Entrance by domor

Date added: 24th December 2008
Viewed: 1776 times
Rating: 7.8/10 (6 votes)

Motion: Batista
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Lighting Triple H

Motion: Superstar 10
Fireworks: Stage Kane (Trigger it as soon as he raises up and spreads his arms out)
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Lighting Triple H
Camera Notes:
#1: Cut to Camera 4 after about 2-3 seconds right before he begins to kick his legs out for the pose.
#2: When he bends over forward, cut to Camera 3 and hold it there until he raises back up and spreads out his arms
#3: Cut back to Camera 1 when the pyro begins to dissipate

Motion: Kane
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Lighting Kane

Motion: Kane
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Lighting Kane

Motion: Legend 08
Nameplate: Right when he throws his arms down
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Lighting: Lighting Kane

Champion Entrance: Legend 08
Movie: The Undertaker
Music: If you have an X-Box 360 you can rip his music from a CD and throw it on there for him.

If not, MUSIC 02 isn't a bad choice(With Abyss, you can never go wrong with Disturbed.)