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The Joker
CAW by J-Diffo

Date added: 16th November 2008
Viewed: 18244 times
Rating: 4.3/10 (82 votes)

Template: 4
Hair: 28/71 Style: Longer Version Colour: X:46 Y:14 S:-60
Eyes: 2/9 Colour: Brown
Skin Aging: 40
Face Paint: 73/89 Colour: Red 52/89 Colour: White 86/89

Height: 200 cm
Body Type: 25
Definition: 6/9

Ring Attire
Tops: 7/50 Style: Tucked In Closed Colour: X:-31 Y:-62 S:-20
Body Accessories: 2/27 Colour: X:-31 Y:-54 S:0
Bottoms: 31/43 Colour: Purple
Underwear: 2/23 Reason is so the underwear line doesn't show.
Belts: 12/32 Colour: Black
Shoes: 23/37 Colour: X:-13 Y:-100 S:-74

Entrance Attire
Jacket: 14/26 Style: Open Colour: Purple
Hands: 2/16 Colour: Purple