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CAW by Seany98

Date added: 26th August 2011
Viewed: 17539 times
Rating: 4.9/10 (14 votes)

Template: 1

Hair: 20/71 -100,-100,-100, 100
Head: default 0,0,0
Forehead: default 0,0,0,0

Eyebrows: -86,-89,41,10
Eyes: 0,-5,-7,-8,-11,-5,-10
Nose: 0,-8,0,10,35,0,0,-25
Cheeks: 0,0,0,0
Mouth: 0,-10,17,0,0,0,3
Jaw: 0,0,0,-5,0,0
Ears: 0,0,0,0

Definiton: 1
Skin Tone: 2/12
Skin Aging: 0
Eye Type: 1/9 97,39,-7
Eyebrows: 7/39 default

Underwear: 1/23
Face Paint: 53/89
Face Paint: 89/89 -35,-78,-39,100
Face Paint: 32/89 100,-100,-100,100
Face Paint: 59/89 100,-100,-75,100
Face Paint: 50/89 -99,-78,-45,100

Wrestling Attire: 2/18 -13,-100,-70
Boots/Shoes: 1/37 -27,-100,-10


Name: Sting
Nickname: The Icon
HUD Name: Sting
Announcer: The Icon
Hometown: Venice Beach, California
Weight: 114kg
Reaction: Your Choice I chose Good
Show: Your Choice I chose WCW