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Davey Richards
CAW by God's L@ST Gift

Tattoo by king styles

Date added: 2nd October 2009
Viewed: 8212 times
Rating: 8.3/10 (26 votes)

davey richards

start with template 12

hair 4 89,0,0

head 19,5,16
forehead -16,-8,-1,-10


eye type 1 -1,-9,7
eyelahes 4
eyebrows 37 86,0,0

lips 14 -94,-3,3
teeth default

skin tone 1 88,0,0,0 or 12 88,0,0,0 *just use which one you think suits best*
skin aging 0

face morphing

eyebrows -75,-100,-100,-11
eyes -19,-9,-14,-40,11,1,6
nose -9,-100,-20,-16,13,16,-4,-40
cheeks -73,100,-63,-8
mouth 85,-33,0,13,0,13,-17
jaw 6,6,13,-10,4,-100
ears 14,34,-3,18

height 177cm

body type 5

body morphing

neck -18,-13,2
chest -26,-35,0
shoulders -60,-37,-6
abdomen -20,-22,-8
waist -8,-6
arms -100,-13,-8
hands default
legs -6,12,14
feet -5,14,13

*face and tattoo layers (look at help pic for placement)*

design 97 88,-61,30,21,
design 97 88,-61,30,21,
make up 28 88,-28,0,58
design 98 90,-60,30,47
design 98 90,-60,30,47
template 2 86,0,0,0
goatee 7 88,0,0,11
face paint 85 88,28,-33,9
sideburns 16 87,0,0,4
mustache 3 85,0,0,11
design 92 88,-51,-34,34

* the following layers are for the tatoo on his left arm* look at the help pic i used king styles one
wwe 2 100,-100,-100,27
wwe 52 100,-100,-100,31
design 138 90,-60,40,100
design 94 90,-61,40,100
wwe 21 100,-100,-100,21
underwerar 4 -100,-11,-15
knee pads 1 -100,-100,-52,100
wretling tights 16 -100,-11,-15,100
arms/wrist 15 -13,-100,53,100
knee pads 5 -13,-100,-62,100
boots/shoes 30 1st colour -24,-100,5 2nd colour 81,-15,-61
tops 28 -13,-100,-58,100(entrance only)
flag 2 place on right leg as shown
design 105 place on boots as shown
design 105 place on boots as shown
design 103 white (place on boots as shown)
design 103 white (place on boots as shown)
alphabet 6-7 Spell American (place o left leg as shown ) -4,0,33,100
alphabet 6-8 spell wolves (place on left side of trunks as shown )-4,0,33,100
design 95 white place around the the american flag to get a white outline
design 96 place on ameican flag (black scores) as shown
alphabet 6 D white (place on front right side of tights) (your left as shown)
alphabet 6 R white (place on front right side of tights) (your left as shown)
alphabet 6 D -4,0,33,100 (place on front right side of tights) (your left as shown)
alphabet 6 R -4,0,33,100 (place on front right side of tights) (your left as shown)