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Chris Benoit
CAW by TANK711

Date added: 18th November 2008
Viewed: 26926 times
Rating: 6.3/10 (254 votes)

This is the face/body, some attire.

Skin tone: 3 (88,0,-2)

Eye Type: 1 (-2,0,11)

Eyebrows: 1

Eyelashes: 1

Lips: 13

Hair: 14 (80,0,12)

Head Morphing- Head (8,5,0) Forehead (0,-50,-30,0)

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -100,-89,-100,20
Eyes: -50,-20,-7,-25,5,-54,-12
Nose: 0,-100,25,-21,-20,-20,-40,-10
Cheeks: 0,-45,0,7
Mouth: 95,-50,11,-40,-65,-50,-30
Jaw: -50,15,-10,12,0,0
Ears: 15,22,30,2

Skin Aging: 20
Sideburns: 12 (86,0,0,10)
Goatee: 8 (85,0,0,15)
Mustache: 1 (88,0,0,15)
Face Paint: 53 (88,40,-7,20)
Marks/Scars: 19 (88,-25,-20,90)
Marks/Scars: 20 (88,-23,0,20)

Height: 180cm
Weight: 100kg

Body Type: -12

Body Morphing:
Neck: -30,22,20
Chest: 0,-5,15
Shoulders: -30,30,-45
Abdomen: 15,20,15
Waist: 12,10
Arms: -30,5,15
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: -20,5,15
Feet: 0,0,0

Definition: 7

Arms/Wrists: 15 (-13,-100,-60,100)
Underwear: 3
Wrestling Tights: 1 (Just find a pic of some of his tights and try your best)
Boots/Shoes: 1 (the middle size) -23,-100,-10