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Bret Hart
CAW by Bhangra Man

Date added: 25th February 2009
Viewed: 72958 times
Rating: 9.0/10 (723 votes)

Face type 6 then delete everything then

Head Morphing: 23, -1, 16
Forehead: -63, -81, -56, -31

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -96, -29, -88, -3
Eyes: -23, -16, -21, -85, 8, -50,-20
Nose: 0, 9, 100, -10, -33, -63, 18, 18
Cheeks: -69, 31, 25, 12
Mouth: 28, -49, 16, -17, 28, 20, -19
Jaw: -24, -12, -7, 18, -23, -28
Ears: 10, -10, 10, 20
Skin Aging 26
Body Type: 4
Body Morphing:
Neck: 1, 6, -4
Chest: -26, -17, 20
Shoulders: 0, -3, -29
Abdomen: 0, 15, 17
Waist: 10,0
Arms: -49, -3, 0
Hands: 3, 2, 4
Legs: 7, -7, 7
Feet: 2, 6, 9
Height: 181cm.(matches up to around matt hardy height in game)

1.)Definition: 1
2.)Skin Tone: 12: (92, -4,-1, 7)
3.)Eye Type: 3: 90,-40,-18
4.)Eyebrows: 12 (86, -8, 10)
5.)Eyelashes: 15 (100,0,10)
6.)Lips: 13: (-95, -4, 0)
7.)Teeth: default
8.)Hair: 27 (87,0,-14,0)
9.) Wrestling Attire 3, (-13,-100,-55,100) * Move to be before underwear*
10.)Underwear 5 (stylize the highest ones): -70, -23, -3 *this helps with leg designs squaring off level with the top of tights.
11.)Face Paint: 84, (92, 9, 60, 15)
12.)Face make up: 28, (92, -28, -22, 81)
13.)Face marks/scars: 1,(92, -45, -4, 57)
14. Face marks/scars: 19, (92, -32, -2, 100)
15.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal and vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 39)
16.)Face: Design symbol: 146, rotate twice, smallest horizontal, second biggest vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 37)
17.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his right eye, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)
18.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his left eye, see help pic, (91, -42, -56, 09)
19.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -66, 3, 4)
20.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -51, -5, 8)
21.)Face: Letters Alphabet Page 2: fourth row, fourth column, the v, rotate, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on center of upper lip, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)
22.)to make eyebrows darker, design 99,rotate 1*,second smallest horizontal,
second biggest vertical, place on eyebrow on inner area, (93,-100,-46, 12)
23.)same as above but for other eyebrow, (93, -100, -46, 15)
24.)Face: Design symbol: 138, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, 30, 44)
25.)Face: Design symbol: 138, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, -2, 6)
26.)face design 4, biggest vertical,smallest horizontal, place as in pic,(88,-34,-37,100)
27) face design,7 , rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,second smallest vertical,(88,0,-40,100)
28.)face design 7 rotate 1*,second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal,(92,0,-24,100)
29.)face design 7, rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,biggest vertical,(85,-77,-33,100)
30.)Face: Design symbol: 142, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on tip of nose, see help pic, (92, -61, 43, 100)
31.)wrestling tights 1, (-70,-23,25,100,100)
32.)wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 144...make white
33) wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 5...make white
34) Torso>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights...make black
35) Leg>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest
vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights make black but place behind kneepad
36-37) repeat 34 and 35 on other leg
38)Torso>Symbols 103, make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg

39) Leg> Sumbols 103: make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg and this time place behind kneepad
40-41) repeat on other leg
42) Torso>Symbols 103, smallest horizontal, largest vertical...and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines with white lines with pink insides
43) Leg>Symbols 103, make smallest horizontal, largest vertical
, largest vert...make same pink a tights (note...pinks of the Hart logo start w/ -70, so start all pinks including tights with that) and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines w/ white lines w/pink insides (place behine kneepad and after #4)
44-45) repeat on other leg

46)WWE 70: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical : -100, -100, 0, 100 see help pic
47)Design 93: Second Smallest Horizontal, , Smallest Vertical : -70, -1, 52, 100 see help pic
48)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, Second largest vertical : match to the black of attire see help pic
49)Design 120: Second Smallest Horizontal, Smallest vertical, : 100, 0, 27, 100 see help pic
50)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical: match to the black of attire see help pic
51)Design 113: Smallest Horizontal and vertical, 87, -100, 7, 100 see help pic
52)Alphabet Page 2, lower case V: Second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, -70, 0, 0, 100 see help pic
53-56) Place 4 of these as in normal attire pics for hearts like design on leg on right leg
Legs > Alphabet page 3: the V, smallest vertical and second largest horizontal, make black

57) kneepads: 15, -70, -35, 25,100 : Remember to make sure kneepads come after all the leg designs on tights are complete
58.) Boots 29, 1st color make white
2nd color make black

59) Elbow pads: 1, make black
60) wristbands 15, (-69, -81,36,100)
61) Sunglasses : 17[/spoiler]