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AJ Styles
CAW by qcawlity

Date added: 19th January 2009
Viewed: 31189 times
Rating: 8.7/10 (384 votes)

Head Morphing
Head: 18 28 22
Forehead: -28 -43 88 -14

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100 1 21 -26
Eyes: 0 -10 63 33 -93 -72 -31
Nose: -7 -25 38 13 98 -15 -37 45
Cheeks: 26 20 17 -32
Mouth: 100 -17 -98 -32 43 100 -12
Jaw: -18 -100 0 -5 -36 56
Ears: -14 91 22 8

Height: 183cm/6'0" (Actual Height: 178/5'10")
Body Type: 15

Body Morphing
Neck: -4 12 13
Chest: 2 -16 -17
Shoulders: 0 8 -14
Abdomen: -7 -15 -9
Waist: 3 13
Arms: -28 -14 -9
Hands: -3 3 10
Legs: -31 -7 8
Feet: -4 -5 -9

01 Definition 7
02 Skin Tone 1: 94 -1 -1
03 Eye Type 1: -4 13 2
04 Eyebrows 26: 94 0 -4 74
05 Eyelashes 6: 86 -12 -13 100 or (HACK in Arms/Wrist from Options Below)
06 Lips 14: 98 12 4
07 Teeth 20: 88 -23 -7
08 Hair 17 (Left 1): 94 -2 -14
09 Underwear 1: -25 -70 78 or (HACK - Wrestling Tights 1: -13 -100 0 0)

Note: For those individuals unable to hack, pick and choose from below; Otherwise, hack all items in to extra layers (Important: If you are using hacks, the layers MUST BE IN THIS ORDER).


Design 103 [2nd Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] (Place on Right Side Underwear): -18 -100 -34
WWE 92 [3rd Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] (Place on Right Side Underwear): 80 -100 -17

Design 103 [2nd Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] (Place on Left Side Underwear): -18 -100 -34
WWE 101 [Rotate 3x, 3rd Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] (Place on Left Side Underwear): 100 -100 -47

Body Accessories 23: 100 0 -7

Jacket 21: 100 -100 64

(A) WWE 45 [Rotate 2x, 3rd Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [Place on Lower Right Side Jacket]: 87 0 -100 100
(B) Design 103 [Rotate 1x, Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [Place Left of (A), Aligned with Middle of (A)]: -18 -100 -34 100
(C) Design 103 [Rotate 1x, Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [Aligned to (B) but Placed on Front Left Side of Jacket]:-18 -100 -34 100
(D) WWE 90 [Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [Place on Lower Left Side Jacket in-between (C)'s borders]:100 -100 -42 100
(E) Design 103 [Rotate 1x, Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [Aligned with (B)&(C) across the back of Jacket]: -18 -100 -34 100
(F) WWE 90 [Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [in-between (E) Borders]: 100 -100 -42 100
(G) WWE 90 [Largest Vertical, Largest Horizontal] [in-between (B) Borders: 100 -100 -42 100

Arms/Wrist 1: -13 -100 31 11
Elbows 1: -13 -100 -74 100

Socks 13: -13 -100 -75 100
Knee Pads 8: -13 -100 -74 100
Boots/Shoes 30: [1st: -26 -100 -7] [2nd: 78 -100 -1]
Knee Pads 15: -13 -100 -70 100

Marks/Scars 1: 95 -3 0 100
Marks/Scars 20: 93 -1 4 100
Eyebrows 29: 94 0 -4 71
Piercings 13: 100 0 14
Hair 13: 99 0 -8 0

Weight: 97kg/215lbs