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Chris Jericho
CAW by -Unknown-

Face by Kung Fu

Date added: 2nd October 2008
Viewed: 34820 times
Rating: 8.9/10 (470 votes)

Start with Face Template 4

-Head Morphings-
Head: -20, 5, -20
Forehead: 0, 0, 0, -20

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: -60, 0, 40, -60
Eyes: -22, 23, 62, -47, -40, -67, -10
Nose: 100, -20, 100, 37, -30, -25, -20, 40
Cheek: 0, -81, -25, 48
Mouth: 100, -37, -40, 100, -66, 5, -100
Jaw: 16, -60, 68, 0, 74, 81
Ears: 0, -20, 0, 47

-Body Morphings-
Body Type: 70
Neck: -31, -20, -9
Chest: -18, -29, -2
Shoulder: -18, 3, -48
Abdomen: -11, -51, -53
Waist: -100, -20
Arms: 0, -64, -76
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 0, -100, -100
Feet: 70, 43, -100

Body Type : 70

Body Height: 6'0''

01. Definition: 5
02. Face Skin Tone 9: 89, 0, 0, 0
03. Eye Type 5: -5, -20, -20
04. Eyebrows 37: 85, -10, 25
05. Eyelashes 1: 70, -30, 20
06. Lips 15: 95, 0, -4
07. Teeth 1: 87, 0, 10
08. Hair 1: 76, -5, 25
Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 15

9. 2/31: default
10. Arms/Wrist 1/20: -13, -23, -100, 100, 5
11. Wresling Tights 1/17: (pattern 17) -100, -100, -66, 100
12. Wrestling Tights 15/17: (pattern 51) -100, -100, -3, 65, 34
13. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics
14. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics
15. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics
16. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics
17. Tights Designs 56/159: -18, 0, -100, 100
18. Knee Pads 5/15: -13, -100, -80, 100
19. Face Paint 83/118: 89, -30, 5, 100
20. Templates 16/26: 79, -10, 14, 100
21. Face Paint 56/118: 88, 40, 5, 10
22. Boots 30/33: black for both colors
23. Designs 103: (rotate once)(2nd largest V and smallest H) black-----help pics
24. Designs 103: (rotate once)(smallest V and 3rd largest H) black-----help pics
25. Designs 103: (rotate once)(3rd largest V and 2nd largest H) black-----help pics
26. Designs 103: (rotate once)(smallest V and 3rd largest H) black-----help pics
27-28. Numeral Page 1>2nd #2 on page: (smallest V and 2nd largest H) -12, 30, 100, 100-----help pics
29. Designs 103: (both largest) 88, -60, 35, 60
30. Makeup 14: 90, -40, -50, 60
31. Facial Features 2: 88, -30, 6, 100
32. Marks 3: 89, -40, -5, 100