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Agent Smith
CAW by RayMan830

Date added: 9th September 2008
Viewed: 7944 times
Rating: 7.8/10 (54 votes)

Hair: 17/23
Custom Color: X=71, Y=0, Shade=-17

Head Morphing: Head= Height: 17
Width: 12
Depth: 0
Forehead= Size: 36
Height: 0
Depth: 22

Face: Eyes= Eye Type:*I chose 8/9, but you can choose whatever one you'd like. Smith usually wore his shades while in combat, so it wouldn't really matter......

Eyelashes: Your Choice.....
Eyebrows: 2/38
Custom Color: X=89, Y=0, Shade= -11

Mouth= Lips: 1/16
Custom Color:X= 99, Y= 5, Shade= 4
Teeth: 1/14
Custom Color: Default

Skin= Skin Tone: 1/12
Custom Color: X= 90, Y= 0, Shade= 7

Face Morphing= Eyebrows: Y-Axis= -47
Thickness= 31
Depth= 24
Angle= 18
Eyes: Height= 24
Width= 59
Nose: Size= -19
Height= -23
Nostril H.= 48
Mouth: Height= -28
Thickness= -22
Width= -39
Angle= -39
Jaw: Outline= -76
(Everything else= Default)

Height: Im not sure how tall this guy is, but I put 5'11". However, you dont have to listen to me, just do what you feel is best...

Body Type= Body Morphing= Neck: Height= -18
Chest: Height= 19
Width= 14
Depth= 14
Shoulders: Height= -100
Width= 66
Depth= 7
Abdomen: Height= -28
Width= 7
Depth= -6
Arms: Length= 100
Width= 17
Depth= 19
Legs: Length= 26
Width= 17
Depth= 24
Feet: Length= 19
Width= 26
Depth= -18

Piercings= I chose 20/20 and put only one earring on his left ear. To me, it completes the look and can also be somewhat of an earpiece, since the agents were always communicating.......

Headwear= Glasses: 6/33
Custom Color: As dark as you can make them...

Upper Body= Tops: 10/40
Custom Color: Default
Jackets:6/21 (Keep Open Style)
Custom Color: X= -13, Y= -100, Shade= -66

Lower Body= Bottoms: 30/42
Custom Color: X= -13, Y= -100, Shade= -66
Footwear= Socks: 16/24
Color: Black
Shoes: 24/33
Color: Black

*Now, we have to make the tie. The one provided in the accessories is ridiculous and way too short, so we'll have to make the tie using designs......

Use Design 92/141. The first one is going to be close to the neck area. Hit 'vertical scaling up' once and the 'horizontal scaling down' once and move it the the neck. Make it as dark as you can.

The second one is the same design, only this part will be the part of the tie that hangs down. Hit "Vertical Scaling up' twice and move it up to the first design. make it as dark as you can so it blends in with the first design. Then, go to 'Edit Layers', go to 'Move', and move this design behind the jacket. The tie should be completed!

Well, there you have it. Agent Smith, from the movie to your console. Hope you enjoy this Created Superstar.........