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Adam Bomb
CAW by {the phenomenal}

Date added: 13th February 2008
Viewed: 12628 times
Rating: 6.2/10 (73 votes)

Head (30, -20, 0)
Forehead (0, 0, 0, 0)

Eyebrows (-44, 61, -100, 33)
Eyes (-28, 8, -28, -16, 28, 100, 23)
Nose (-18, -25, 27, -40, -28, -33, 0, 51)
Cheeks (1, -100, 17, -58)
Mouth (68, 14, -32, -44, 20, -24, -100)
Jaw (26, -30, 7, -8, 52, 90)
Ears (0, 0, 0, 0)

Body type (-18)

Neck (-100, 4, 100)
Chest (-36, 22, 8)
Shoulder (-72, 58, 17)
Abdomen (52, 30, 15)
Waist (25, 18)
Arms (100, 40, 32)
Hands (-100, 100, 100)
Legs (33, 6, 28)
Feet (0, 0, 0)

Definition 5

Skin tone 2 (88, 3, -1, -100)
Eyes 6 (78, -3, 0)
Brows 1 (86, 0, -100)
Lashes 15 (default)
Lips 1 (100, 7, -4)
Teeth 1
Hair 31 (88, 0, -8, -72)
Underwear 29 (black)
Face Paint 56 (88, 35, 0, 30)
Templates 3 (87, 0, 0, 100)
Sideburns 3 (86, -5, 13, 76)
Mustache 2 (88, 0, 13, 90)
Goatee 7 (80, 4, 18, 40)
Design 103 (88, -56, 33, 100) (2nd Biggest V, Largest H) (Place centered on his nose)

[u][i][b]Facial Hair update[/b][/i][/u]
Delete the mustache 2 layer
Design 103 (rotate x1) (default h, 2nd biggest v) (place under his bottom lip) (88, -55, 23, 100)

Arm Tattoo
Design 135 (100, -100, 0, 0) (Place on his left bicep just above the elbow pad) (Largest H, Default V)
Design 25 (-18, 0, -100, 10) (Rotate once) (place in teh center of the design 135) (2nd smallest H, smallest V)
WWE Logo 32 (Place at the top of the design 135 but so its still sitting on it) (Default size) (-94, 100, -19, 30)
Copy this logo and place it under the first WWE Logo (Same colour and size)

^ You will need to edit elbow pads to be able to put the logos on his arm ^

Elbow Pads 2 (both arms) (-13, -100, -78, 100)
Knee Pads 14 (-100, -100, -68, 100)
Knee Pads 5 (-100, -100, -78, 100)
Wrestling Attire 12 (100, 0, 5)
Wrestling Tights 5 (-100, -100, -78, 100, 5)
Glasses 24 (Entrance and Cut-scene only) (-34, 0, 0) *If the colour isn't red then it means the colour has reset so pick the colour red from the colour pallette*
Arm Accessories 12 (default) *If you have the 1 elbow pad on his right arm then you can use gloves 2 but from the refs i used he didnt have gloves when he had both elbow pads*
Boots 2 (medium Length) (-100, -100, -68)

Design 92 (2nd smallest h, smallest v) (place on the right side of his costume ) *this will be part of the nuclear sign* (-18, -100, -27, 100)
Design 103 (smallest v, 2nd smallest h) (place so that this design cuts the diamond design in half, this is the first part of the nuclear sign done) (99, 55, 19, 100)

Copy these 2 steps on the opposite side of the costume... this will be the 2nd part of the nuclear sign complete

Copy these steps again but place centred about 10-15 clicks under and bang on in between the other 2 (leave room for the . that goes in the middle)

Sign, page 1, (.) (default size) (place in between the nuclear sign) (Yellow from the colour pallette)

For the stripes you will need to edit the costume and put them on that way...

WWE logo 1 (rotate x1) (largest v, smallest h) (place at the top of the right strap of the costume) *make sure you leave a gap in between the nuclear sign*
Copy this and join it up and make sure the bottom of the sign doesn't go over the tights *if the logo goes over the tights then when your done all the logos move the tights below the wwe logo layers*

Use the same techinque for the other stripes... look back in the original topic for pics of where the other logos go.