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Abdullah The Butcher
CAW by hardcorelegend2

Date added: 15th February 2008
Viewed: 21128 times
Rating: 8.0/10 (199 votes)

Note: This is a very complicated caw to make. In order to make this caw you have to have every layer in this EXACT ORDER. Don't worry, there were no hacks use to make this caw.

Abdullah the Butcher ( Old Version)

Head Morphing:
Head: -77, -11, -100 (or -58; which ever looks better to you)
Forehead: -100, -100, 19, 0
Eyebrows: 31, 100, -97, 100
Eyes: 59, 37, -25, 100, 20, 100, 40
Nose: 0, 0, 100, -33, -100, -34, 2, -38
Cheeks: 75, 100, 43, 17
Mouth: 100, 62, -22, -40, 100, 100, -100
Jaw: -49, -85, -52, 40, 100, 100
Ears: -24, 100, -100, 35
Skin Aging: 100
Hair: Bald
Eye type: 1/9; normal; 95, 55, -22
Eyelashes: 1/15; 85, 0, 0
Eyebrows: 12/38; 89, 0, -100
Lips: 12/16; 89, 0, -7
Skin tone: 6/12; 90, 3, -23

Body Morphing:
Height 6'0''
Body type: 100
Neck: -100, 100, 100
Chest: -100, 88, 19
Shoulders: -100, 5, 0
Abdomen: -100, 63, 51
Waist: 100, 100
Arms: -100, -9, -77
Hands -100, -100, -100
Legs: -82, -40, -62
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Definition: 1/9

Underwear: 2/31; 100, 0, -100
Make-up: 18/19; 90, -16, -25, 100
Elbow pad: 2/10; -21, 100, -70, 100
Arm accessories: 12/12; 92, -100, 42, 100
Arms/Wrists: 1/20; normal; -13, -100, 14, 100
Socks: 16/24; -70, -100, -70, 100
Boots/Shoes: 12/33; -100, 100, -98
Tops: 37/40; normal; -13, -99, -55
Tops: 3/40; 2/2; 1/2; 89, -35, -26, 100, 52

Face Patterns:
Face pattern: 138/141; 2nd largest horizontal; 2nd largest vertical; Place on left eye. Turn so that the sharp side is on his nose. Place so that the bottom of the pattern sits right on his crows feet; to cover the top portion of his eye. Cover just a little of his eyebrow. Look at pics. 91, -48, 14, 83

Do the same with other eye.

Face Pattern: 138/141 Have the sharp side pointing down. Make it as large as possible horizontally, and 2nd largest vertically.Place right in between the eyebrows to cover all those angry eye wrinkles. 91, -49, 14, 86

Face pattern: 103/141; Make as large as possible. Place as high as possible. Stop before the pattern starts to go pass the forehead to the neck. 89, -48, 14, 86

Make-up: 19/19; 92, 5, -17, 100

Face pattern: 87/141; 2nd smallest horizontally; 2nd largest vertically. Place as high as possible. Stop when to horizontal line disappears in to the forehead. Look at pics for help. 94, -27, -19, 30

Face pattern: 99/141; 2nd largest hori; 2nd largest verti; Turn so that the pattern lays horizontally. Place over top lip, making it thinner. 89, -49, 14, 100

Bottom: 37/42; -13, -100, -74

Body accessories: 17/17; Make completely black. Make as black as possible.

Arm pattern: 103/141; 2nd largest hori; largest verti; turn once; Place as low as his knuckles. Don't pass his thumb. Look at pics for help. -19, -99, 57, 100

Shirt logo: 44/47; Make as small as possible. Place in front on the left side of his pants. Dont put the design too low or it will take away from the effect he has in the ring. Look at pics for help. 74, -100, 15, 100

Torso pattern: 100/141; largest horizontally; 2nd largest vertically; Put this design just a little bit in to the pants. This pattern is to make his boob fold. Place just enough so that the tip of the pattern goes into the pants. Look at pictures for help. 94, -27, -13, 19

Do the same with other side of his chest.
In the ring these two patterns make him look like he accually has saggy boobs.

Hats: 20/21; 100, 0, 11; Only make visible for Entrance and Cut Scenes.

Well there you have it; Abdullah the Butcher and all his fat. Be prepared for more to be showing up soon.