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8 Ball Pool
CAW by Dragon1981

Date added: 21st February 2008
Viewed: 11475 times
Rating: 6.3/10 (92 votes)


Name: 8 Ball Pool
Nickname: The Poolman
Nickname Placement: Prefix
Hud Name: 8 Ball
Announcer Intro: The Hero
Hometown: japan
Weight: Your choice
Crowd Reaction: good
Show: Raw

Body Height: 5'11"
Body Type: -3

Body Morph

Chest: 0,36,100
Shoulders: -64,31,48
Abdomen: 0,0,38
Arms: 0,45,45
Hands: 41,51,66
Legs: 0,33,50

Layer Order

01: Definition # 1 Default
02: Skin Tone # 1/12 (-31,100,-14)
03: Eye Type # 1/Default
04: Eyebrow # 1 Default
05: Eyelash # 1 Default
06: Lip # 14 Default
07: Teeth # 1 Default
08: Hair # make it no hair
09: Underwear: default
10: Wrestling Tights: 1/17 (-35,100,-23,100,100)
11: Mask: 21/21 (-39,100,-23,100)
12: Face Paint 66/118 (-45,100,9,100)
13: Face Paint 114/118 (100,0,-100,100)
14: Boots/Shoes: 5/33 (-60,-100,37)
15: Hands: 3/16 (-12,-100,100,100)
16: Belts: 11/30 (67,-100,100,100)
17: Tops: 5/40 (Midle One)(In pant)(-34,100,13,100,100)
18: Design 103/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see help pic
19: Design 103/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see help pic
20: Design 103/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see help pic
21: Design 123/141 (100,0,-100,100) see help pic
22: Design 138/141 (-18,0,-100,100) see help pic
23: Design 138/141 (-18,0,-100,100) see help pic
24: Design 138/141 (-18,0,-100,100) see help pic
25: Design 97/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see help pic
26: Numeral #8 (-18,0,-100,100) see help pic
27: Design 103/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see face help
28: Numeral #8 (-18,0,-100,100) see face help
29: Design 138/141 (-18,-100,100,100) see face help
30: Design 138/141 (-18,-100,100,100) see face help
31: Design 100/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see face help
32: Design 100/141 (-19,-100,100,100) see face help
it's a original superhero enjoy it.