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Big Gold Belt (Ric Flair)
Belt by Daedryon

Date added: 9th November 2008
Viewed: 18394 times
Rating: 7.4/10 (61 votes)

This is a replica of the Big Gold Belt, complete with Ric Flair nametag, as I myself have sitting in my closet. The side plates are the best I could do, as there weren't many large square plates that resembled the original.

Also, I'd like to apologize for the quality of the picture, I took it using my XBOX Live Vision camera, hooked up to my laptop.

Design: 1
Materials: 1
Pattern: 1

-=[Center Plate]=-
Design: Normal > 2/36 > 1/85
Materials: 1/7 (Gold)
Jewel: 3/8 (Ruby) > Spots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

-=[Side Plate]=-
Design: Both > 19/127
Materials: Both > 6/7 (Titanium)
Jewel: Both > 3/8 (Ruby) > Spots 1, 3, 4 and 6

-=[Name Plate]=-
Design: 2/19
Materials: 1/7 (Gold)
Name: "Ric Flair"

Total Cost: $38,540 (Price may vary between players/systems)