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Tommy Dreamer
Move by The U.F.O

Date added: 1st March 2009
Note*I made this a LONG time ago but didnt know about this site so I just post it now.Enjoy:)

Standard Actions

Ring In: Slide In
Ring Out: Rolldown
Taunt: Taunt Table 1, Get Up!, Taunt Kurt Angle 3, Sit Down
Fighting Stance: FP Wrestling 1.


Strike Attacks: Angle Punches, Toe Kick 1, Body Punch, Outlaw Punches 1, Strong Right Punch, Smash Right Punch.

Grapple Moves:
QUICK: Arm Wringer Flip, Snapmare 2, Back Chop 6, Fury Punch 5.

SUBMISSION: Suplex 1, Snapmare & Neck Lock, Headlock 2, Sleeper Hold, Chin Lock.

MOVE 1: (OLDSCHOOL) Samoan Drop 2, Back Suplex 2, Hip Toss 1, Scoop Slam 4, Neckbreaker 3.

CLEAN: Piledriver, Neckbreaker 3, Back Chop 7, Neckbreaker 6, Wrist Clutch & Elbow.

DIRTY: Piledriver, Low Blow 4, Eye Rake 1, Low Blow 5, Reverse Atomic Drop.

MOVE 2: (OLDSCHOOL) Suplex 1, Headlock Punch 1, Mat Slam, Suplex 7, Neckbreaker 5.

Grapple From Behind: Sleeper Hold 4, Russian Leg Sweep 2, Back Suplex 5, Backbreaker 10.

Top Of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust x2.


Strike Move: Angry Stomp, Elbow Drop 4, Elbow Drop 1.

Grapple Moves: Reverse Chin Lock 2, Mounted Punching 4, Finishing Leg Drop, Stomp On Leg, Knee Smash 2 (or 1), Kick To Head.


Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1, Clothesline & Bulldog, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2 (he does it with a chair though).

Grapple Moves: DDT 21, Knee Strike, Clothesline 25, Heavy Combo 2.

Grapple From Behind: Forearm To Back, Tie To Tree Of Woe, Neckbreaker 12, Toss Into Ring Post.

Sitting Corner Grapple: Mudhole Strikes.


Groggy On Ropes: Back Low Blow.

Rebound Attack: Clothesline 10, Dropkick To Knee 3, Vaulting Body Press 2.

Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Baseball Slide 1.


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp: Double Axe Handle 3 x2.

Diving Attack vs. Drowned Opp: Diving Elbow Drop, Knee Drop 1 x2.


Running Strikes: Clothesline 9, Clothesline 12.

Running Grapple: Neckbreaker 10, DDT 1.

Grapple From Behind: School Boy Pin 1, Triple H Low Kick.

Crouching Attack: Dropkick To Knee 3, Elbow Drop 5.

Counter Attack: Spinebuster 5, Neckbreaker 5

Tag Team

Standing Tag Team: Double Beat Head, Double DDT, Double Clothesline, Double Suplex.

Corner Tag Team: Kick To Gut 1, Double Stomping, Kick To Gut 1, Hip Toss 2.


Finishers: DDT 14, F-U 1(Dreamer Driver Replacment) (Alt:Lift & Cutter)

Signature Moves: Spinebuster 5, Neckbreaker 5, Piledriver.

Chair Finishers: Chair Guillotine, Chair DDT.

Combination: Outlaw Punches 1 (reversed), Outlaw Punches 1, Outlaw Punches 1 (reversed).