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Leroy Blake
Move by Ryan Wall

Date added: 23rd September 2008

Standard Actions

Ring In: Silde In
Ring Out: Normal
Taunt: Taunt Wizard, Taunt Triple H 4, Taunt Batista 2, Taunt Batista 4.

Fighting Stance: FP Booker T


Strike Attacks: Vionic Punches 2, Dragon Whip 1, Shuffle Side Kick 2, Smash Punch, Clothesline 3, Big Boot 1.

Grapple Moves

QUICK: Fury Punch 4, Back Cub, Arm Drag 4, Headlock Takeover.

SUBMISSION: [Oklahoma] Torture Rack, Sleeper Hold, Bear Hug, Gulitione.

Moveset 1 ( Power ) [Power Bomb] Clothesline 23, Scoop Slam4, Powerbomb 2, Back Suplex 2.

CLEAN: [Chokeslam] Scoop Slam 4, Hip Toss 1, Gutbuster 2, Side Slam 1

DIRTY: [Chokeslam] Low Blow 3, Reverse Atomic Drop, Low Blow 5, Poison Mist.

Moveset 2 ( Power ) [ Samoan Drop 1 ] Widows Peak, Flapjack 1, Bomb To Face Crusher, Northern Lights Driver.

GRAPPLE FROM BEHIND: Cobra Clutch 2, KneeBreaker 2, Cobra Clutch 1, Triple H Low Kick.

TOP OF CELL ATTACK: Chokeslam (X2)


Strike Move: Fist Drop 1, Elbow Drop 4, Elbow Drop 1.

Grapple Moves: Ric Flair Knee Drop, Mounted Punch 2, Big Splash Pin, Big Walk, Kick To Back, The Rock Sharpshooter.


Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1, Turnbuckle Clothesline 2, Stomping.

Grapple Moves: Clothesline 25, Knee Strikes, Umaga Hip Attack, Super Chokeslam.

Grapple From Behind: Snake Eyes, Illegal Pin, Toss 1, Toss Into Ring Post.

Sitting Corner Grapple: Foot Choke 2


Groggy On Ropes: Back Low Blow

Rebound Attack: Clothesline 15, Slingshot Body Attack, Vaulting Body Press 2.

Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Dive Through Ropes


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp: Diving Clothesline, Diving Crossbody Pin

Diving Attack vs. Drowned Opp: Diving Elbow Drop 1, Diving Elbow, Word Life Elbow Drop.


Running Strikes: Flying Clothesline 1, Cross Body 1.
Running Grapple: Running Backslide Pin, Lou Thez Press.
Grapple From Behind: Chop Block, Throw Back.
Crouching Attack: Elbow Drop 5, Running Leg Drop.
Counter Attack: Flapjack 2, Spinebuster 2.

Tag Team

Standing Tag Team: Shining Wizar 1, Low Blow + Knee Attack (X2), Death Drop 3.

Corner Tag Team: Gutchrusher (X2), Elbow Drop 1, Elbow Drop 2.

Finishers: 1. Lionsault Pin
2. Cobra Clutch Bomb
1. Word Life Elbow Drop
2. Widows Peak
3. Dragon Whip 1

Chair Finishers: Chair DDT, Chair Guillotine.

Combination: Shuffle Side Kick 3 (X2), Dragon Whip 1.