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Shannon Moore
CAW by Jayde Garrow

Date added: 23rd February 2007
name: shannon moore
HUD name: moore
nickname: the reject
nickname placement: prefix
announcer introduction: shane
hometown: north carolina
gender: male
weight class: 202 lbs
match tactic: dirty
show: smackdown!
voice: 1
match specialty: none

-layer organizer-
-design edit-

face skin: 11/13
eyes: 2/8 100,0,-38
eyebrows: 2/54 83,-6,7
hair: 14/50 stylize 2nd. 85,0,-11,56

piercing: 11/12 default white
face paint: 33/154 -100,-100,-100,100
face paint: 73/154 -100,-100,-100,100
headwear design: 99/137 rotate x1 -100,-100,-100,100 connect from eye make-up to ear. do this with both sides of the face.
headwear design: 95/137 -100,-100,-100,100 place on forehead connecting to the tip of his nose.
bottoms: 3/34 stlize 2nd baggiest. -56,13,-19
-right arm-
first off, the color for the tattoos is 36,-38,-28,0
for his right arm i used these designs going down...
design: 34/137 rotate x1 make largest. place on upper arm
design: 3/137 rotate x2 largest. place under last design
design: 17/137 rotate x1 largest V. place on forearm
design: 7/137 rotate x2 place on elbow
-left arm-
the color for the tattoos is 36,-38,-28,0
for his right arm i used these designs going down...
design: 3/137 largest. (-100,9,1,0) place on mid-upper arm
design: 17/137 rotate x3 largest. place over last design
design: 16/137 largest. place on forearm
design: 7/137 largest. place on forearm so part of it goes on his hand.
**stomach tattoos**
(for all these, you have to scale down one when you resize them)(the color for all the lettering is 100,0,-26,19)(use the picture for reference)
numeral: 4/7 pick the fancy "2" in the middle of the page.
alphabet: 6/14 "B"
sign: 2/6 pick this symbol(*)first one in the 3rd row.
alphabet: 6/14 "M"
alphabet: 6/14 "E"