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Scott Steiner (TNA Attire)
CAW by Teeken 57

Major help with face from Amonir

Date added: 14th February 2007
Please note that this caw is hack free. However if you want the mesh, then you have to hack

The formula use abbreviated terms for height, depth width eg. h,w,d, etc. With that out of the way lets start creating Scott Steiner J


Head: (h 12, w 9, d 37)
Forehead: (s 0, h 26, w 24, d -15)
Eyebrows: (y -100, t 100, d 27, a -1)
Eyes: (s -1, h -30, w -45, y 0, x 28,d -9,a 52)
Nose: (s -37, h 35, w 100, L -2, nh -10, nw -55, d 8, a 0)
Cheeks: (s -68, Y 0, x 39, d -96)
Mouth: (h 48, t -29, w -49, d 6, ul 7, ll 28, a -56)
Jaw: (h 100, w -4, d 43, o -14, ul -32, t 20)
Ears: (h 37, a1 2, a2 7, s w0)
Skin aging: 27
Lips: 1 (colour: x 98 y 0 shade 0)
Face skin 11
Eyes: 2 (colour: x 100 y -77 shade – 83)
Eyebrows: 42 (colour: x 89 y 0 shade 0)

Body type: -25
Neck: (h -47, w 54, d 95)
Chest: (h 0, w 11, d 61)
Shoulder: (h -84, w 61, d -76)
Abs: (h 4, w 39, d 44)
Waist: (w 22, d 42)
Arms: (l -6, w 64, d 24)
Hands: (l 0, w 0, d 0)
Legs: (l 0, w 4, d 42)
Feet: (l 0, w 0, d 0)
Body skin: 4 (colour: x 94 y 2 shade -8)
Body height: 6’4????

Hair: 49 (colour: x 81, y -10, s 33)

Other Facial Hair 18 (colour: x 84, y -23, s 19, t 60)
Other Facial Hair 11 (colour: x 85, y -16, s 13, t 100)
Other Facial Hair 11 (colour: x 85, y -17, s 23, t 100)
Black goatee: Logo Face Design 135 (colour: x -83, y -100, s -52, t 100)

Make up 58: colour (x 90, y 13, s -16, a 61)

TNA Attire (See help pics for placement an size)

Chest Tattoo

Logo torso front wwe 12: (colour: x 36, y 6, s 0, a 0)
Logo torso front design 93: (colour: x -95, y 9, s 12, a 0)

Tights 1: (colour: x -13, y -78, s -74, a 100, L 100)

Back of tights design
Logo torso back design 9: Red colour swatch
Logo torso back design 9: (colour: x -18, y -84, s 82, a 69)
Logo torso back design 92: black colour swatch
Alphabet torso back: pg 3 “s???? Red colour swatch

Right leg design
Logo right leg wwe 12: (colour: x -14, y -100, s 44, a 36)
Logo right leg design 93: (colour: x -96, y 14, s 30, a 100)
Logo right leg Numeral page 5 row 5 : “3???? (colour: x -23, y -100, s 0, a 21)

Left Leg design
Logo left leg design 106: (colour: x -19, y -86, s 78, a 100)
Logo left leg design 97: (colour: x -19, y -86, s 78, a 100)
Logo left leg design 92: (colour: x -19, y 0, s -31, a 100)
Logo left leg alphabet page 12 row 2: “c???? (white colour swatch)

Glasses (entrance only) 5: (colour: x -81, y 0, s 43)


Hack two other layers to become hair (I used the body hair and eyelashes layers).

If you followed my formula to create the caw without hacks properly, you should have 31 layers with one layer free. Go into the caw mode and select the following hat:
Hat 8 Pattern 38 (colour: x 89, y -28, s-26) – entrance only

Edit your first layer of hair to
Hair 45: (colour: x 81, y 0, s 32, hs -72) - entrance only

Edit your second layer of hair to
Hair 13: (colour: x 87, y -97, s 32, hs -74) - entrance only

Your normal hair for the caw should come next i.e.
Hair: 49 (colour: x 81, y -10, s 33)

The order of your layers should be:
Hair 45: (colour: x 81, y 0, s 32, hs -72) – entrance only
Hair 13: (colour: x 87, y -97, s 32, hs -74) – entrance only
Hair: 49 (colour: x 81, y -10, s 33)
Hats 8: Pattern 38 (colour: x 86, y -28, s -26) – entrance only