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Rory And Robbie McAllister (The Highlanders)
CAW by Nick Dwyer

Date added: 14th November 2006
[b]Rory McAllister[/b]

Name : Rory McAllister
HUDname : Rory
Nickname : DEFAULT
Nickname Placement : None
Announcer Indroduction : Cory
Hometown : England

Gender : Male
Weight Class : Heavyweight (240)
Match Tactic : Clean
Show : Raw
Voice : 3
Match Specialty: None

Head Morphing:

Head: 32, 0, -38
Forehead: -7, 6, -33, 0

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: -55, 12, 4, -12
Eyes: 9, 32, -15, 7, 17, -25, -11
Nose: 35, -8, 4, 12, -22, -4, -5, 13
Cheeks: 17, 41, 21, 37
Mouth: 87, -68, -26, -16, -29, 2, 9
Jaw: 39, 100, 91, 33, 61, 34
Ears: -8, 19, 20, -15
Skin Aging: 29

Body Type: 36
Body Height: 6'2''


1. Body Skin: 5/9, Colour: 92, 0, Shade: -1
2. Face Skin: 13/13
3. Eyes: 2/8, Colour: 100,-78, Shade: -31
4. Eyebrows: 1/54, Colour: 86, 5, Shade: -2
5. Eyelashes: DEFAULT
6. Lips: 7/45, Colour: 92, -2, Shade: -11
7. Teeth: DEFAULT
8. Hair: 50/50
9. Body Hair: 32/32, Colour: 89,0, Shade: 4
10. Underwear: 2
11. Other Facial Hair: 21/27, Colour: 89, 0, Shade: -14
12. Goatee: 1/13, Colour: 79, 36, Shade:2, Alpha: 25
13. Sideburns: 1/17, Colour: 90, 0, Shade: -16, Alpha: 100
14. Wrist Bands: 21/22, Colour: 87, -12, Shade:-50, Alpha:100
15. Kneepads: 15/15, Colour: DEFAULT
16. Shoes: 3/29, Colour: 82, 8, Shade: -40
17. Make Up: 62/65, Colour: 94, 0, Shade: -34, Alpha: 23
18. Leg Accessories: 2/5, Colour: 81, -17, Shade: 26, Alpha: 100
19. Mens bottoms: 1/34, Pattern: 22/45, Stylize: 3 (Shortest one), Colour: -100, 60, Shade: -27
20. Belts: 6/29, Colour: -97, 32, Shade: -46, Alpha: 92
21. Arm Tattoo: 90/147, Colour: 36, -56, Shade: -29, Alpha: 29


A.I. Fighting Style: Brawler, Grapple
Advanced: Agressive, Often, Less, Less

Crowd Signs: 21/22: The guy behing me can't see, 21/22: My sign is upside down, 21/22: I'm with Stupid, 19/22: UK flag

[b]Robbie McAllister[/b]

Name : Robbie McAllister
HUDname : Robbie
Nickname : DEFAULT
Nickname Placement : None
Announcer Indroduction : Robert
Hometown : England

Gender : Male
Weight Class : Heavyweight (240)
Match Tactic : Clean
Show : Raw
Voice : 3
Match Specialty: None

Head Morphing:

Head: 16, 26, -10
Forehead: 27, 25, -18, 13

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: -17, 20, 4, -72
Eyes: -17, 37, -30, 15, 21, -29, -2
Nose: -11, 0, 0, 16, -12, -16, -12, -52
Cheeks: -14, 40, -22, 7
Mouth: 16, -34, -20, -8, 0, -9, 13
Jaw: 100, 100, 100, 65, 100, 44
Ears: -17, 13, 20, -18
Skin Aging: 20

Body Type: -41
Body Height: 6'0''


1. Body Skin: 2/9, Colour: 92, 0, Shade: 0
2. Face Skin: 1/13
3. Eyes: 2/8, Colour: 41,-39, Shade: -19
4. Eyebrows: 1/54, Colour: 86, -5, Shade: 19
5. Eyelashes: DEFAULT
6. Lips: 1/45, Colour: 98, 0, Shade: 0
7. Teeth: DEFAULT
8. Hair: 22/50, Colour: 91, 42, Shade: -2, Hair Scale: -100
9. Body Hair: 32/32, Colour: 88,23, Shade: -8
10. Underwear: 2
11. Wrist Bands: 21/22, Colour: 87, -12, Shade:-50, Alpha:100
12. Kneepads: 15/15, Colour: 84, 13, Shade: -37, Alpha: 100
13. Other Facial Hair: 22/27, Colour: 89, 10, Shade: 0
14. Shoes: 3/29, Colour: 82, 8, Shade: -40
15. Leg Accessories: 2/5, Colour: 81, -17, Shade: 26, Alpha: 100
16. Mens bottoms: 1/34, Pattern: 22/45, Stylize: 3 (Shortest one), Colour: -100, 60, Shade: -27
17. Belts: 6/29, Colour: -97, 32, Shade: -46, Alpha: 92
18. Arm Tattoo: 69/147, Colour: 33, -61, Shade: -29, Alpha: 9


A.I. Fighting Style: Brawler, Grapple
Advanced: Agressive, Often, Often, Less

Crowd Signs: 21/22: The guy behing me can't see, 21/22: My sign is upside down, 21/22: I'm with Stupid, 19/22: UK flag