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CAW by rikishistinkface

Date added: 30th December 2007
Name: Rikishi
HUD name: Rikishi
Intro: Big Daddy
Hometown: I put San Diego
Gender: M
Weight: Super Heavyweight (350 lbs.)
Tactic: clean
Show: sd
Voice: 4
Speciality: what you want

Face Parts

Hair: 6/50
Facial hair,others: 18/27 yellow


type: 100


glasses: 9/39
belts:9/29 x:-100 y:-100 s:-100 a:100
underwear: 2/28
knee pads,both:15/15
wrist bands:21/22 white
elbow pads:2/16
logo,letters:3/14 largest v 2nd h spell rikishi across front of belt, yellow, blue, red
logo,design:95/137, black, longest it can get,wrap around side of legs, 3 on each side, 6 total, place anywhere you want
Theres Rikishi!

Finishers: Fire Thunder, Rump Shaker