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Randy Orton
CAW by Nefilim

Formula by tjohnnyblue
Pics by JayDee

Date added: 24th October 2007
Name Randy Orton
Hud Orton
Nickname The Legend Killer
Placement Prefix
Announcer Introduction The Legend Killer
Hometown St. Louis, Mo.
Weight Heavyweight
Match Tactic Dirty
Show Raw
Voice 3
Match Specialty None

Head and Face Morphing

Head -4,-19,-4
Forehead 0,0,89,0

Eyebrows -89,-21,29,4
Eyes 0,-3,-38,91,44,0,-23
Nose 0,64,-15,-8,0,-3,4,10
Cheeks -100,-100,51,9
Mouth 100,-15,-100,-35,85,84,-45
Jaw -15,6,-14,-8,-70,0
Ears -56,100,-8,23
Skin Aging 20

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -72,31,29
Chest 9,-5,34
Shoulder -92,-19,-9
Abdomen -8,-4,9
Waist -5,1

Everything Else in Advanced Options is left Default.

Body Height 6 Ft. 4 In.


1.Body Skin (1) 90,5,-1
2.Face Skin Tones (9)
3.Eyes (2) 4,-48,-10
4.Eyebrows (28) 88,-7,7
5.Eyelashes Hacked: Hair (17) 91,30,0
6.Lips (7) 92,-3,-9
7.Teeth Default
8.Hair (15) 89,27,-18
9.Body Hair Hacked: Knee Pads (5) -13,-78,-74
10.Underwear (1)
11.Design (17) Rotate Twice Largest Hor. Largest Ver. Place centered on the back of his left forearm. 90,-100,-46,0
12.WWE (16) Largest Hor. Largest Ver. Place centered on the back of his right forearm. 100,0,-74,0
13.Wrist Bands (1) -26,-100,-84,100,9
14.Shoes (2) Tallest -100,-100,-76
15.Design (93) 3rd Hor. Largest Ver. Place so the bottom of the design is centered right near the top of his nose. 91,-53,41,5
16.Make Up (18) Cover his nose. 91,3,8,100
17.Design (103) Largest Hor. Largest Ver. Cover his nose. 91,-47,32,28
18.Make Up (22) Under the eyes to the front of his ears. 91,-10,4,100
19.Make Up (29) 91,11,-14,25
20.Make Up (55) 92,-2,-17,31
21.Design (99) 3rd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered between the bottom of his nose and his top lip. 91,-42,50,29
22.Design (99) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on Layer 21. 91,-39,5,0
23.Alphabet Page 1. The Period 3rd Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered a half inch below his bottom lip. 90,-45,15,100
24.WWE (42) Rotate Twice Largest Hor. 3rd Ver. Place centered on his rear. 98,100,-40,100
25.Design (12) Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on the side of his right shoulder. 90,-55,-24,2
26.Design (17) Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on his back an inch below the bottom of his neck. 90,-100,-30,0
27. and 28. are centered alongside each end of Layer 26, with the very top of each design touching the very top of the back of each shoulderblade. Both are Design (10) Rotate so the Bottom of each design faces the other. 3rd Hor. 2nd Ver. 90,-100,-27,0
29.Design (137) Largest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the tights on the side of his right leg. 23,100,-29,100
30.Repeat Layer 29 on his left leg.
31.WWE (10) Rotate Once Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on the side of his left arm, between the top of his bicep and bottom of his shoulder. -28,-26,-82,0
32.Design (45) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on Layer 31. 90,-53,-1,100

A1 Fighting Style
Brawler (2x)
Signs are your choice
Moves Aggressive, Less all other choices