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Player Uno
CAW by Player_dos

Date added: 16th October 2007
Note: you need to use the tights over bottoms glitch for
this caw


11.tights: 1/20 : black
12.mens bottoms 15: stylise 1 to the left
13. mensclothing: 18/31 : stylise 1 right: black ( use tights over bottoms glich now) 1/29: default
15.mask 6/22 :black
16.make up 52/65: default
17.facepaint 97/154: default
18.elbowpads 2/16: default
19.wristbands 22/22: deafult
20.upperbody design: 95/137 :white (see help pic)
21.upperbody design: 95/137 :white (see help pic)
22.upperbody design: 95/137 :white :(rotate once and place
inbetween the previous layers to form the top half of the
23.lowerbody design: 95/137: white: (move right so it is over lapping the
line from the upper part of the joypad design)
24.lowerbody design: 95/137: white: (move left so it over laps the upper line
from the upper part of joypad)
25.lowerbody design: 95/137: white: (move down and right so it extends layer 22)
26.lowerbody design: 95/137: white: (move down and left so it extends layer 23)
27.lowerbody design: 95/137: white: (rotate once and place between he bottom of
layer 24 & 25 to finish the outline ofthe joypad)
28.lowerbody design: 103/137: white: (make smallest vertical default horizontal scaling and place
just above layer 26 but leave a small gap bewteen them)
29.lowerbody design: 103/137: white: same as previous layer, place slighty above layer 27)
30.upperbody design: 101/137: white: (help pic)
31.lowerbody design: 97/137: red: (smallest vert scaling, largest hor scaling, place over layer
either layer 27 or 28 to complete 1 button
32 clone previous layer and move to complete other buton)

and player uno is now complete

tights over bottom glitch: in layer menu select move, select mens clothing and move up the
layer menu as soon as it passes layer tights press triangle the tights should now be over the bottoms

designed by player duo