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Morpheus (The Matrix)
CAW by AgileDan92

Date added: 4th July 2008
If a body part or anything else isn't listed, leave it as default.

Name: Morpheus
HUD: Morpheus
Announcer Intro: The Professional (or whatever you want, cuz i couldn't find any good ones)

Gender: Male
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Clean
Voice: voice 4
Match Specialty: Backstage Brawls

Face Parts:

Hair: 50/50
Eyebrows: 54/54 custom color X: 83 Y: -100 Shade = -70
Facial Hair: Goatee: 7/13 Custom Color: Alpha: 34
Lips: 1/45 Custom Color: Shade: -6

Head Morphing:

Height: 0
Width: -12
Depth: -15


Size: 31
Width: 46
Depth: -45

Face Morphing: (numbers are from top to bottom)

Eyebrows: 56, 21, 0, -57
Nose: 29, 62, -38, -73, 6, 100, -76, 0
Cheeks: 28, -100, -82, 44
Mouth: 0, 13, -17, -100, 55, -100, -100
Jaw: 6, -44, --31,30, 100, 100
Ears: 0, 27, 31, 0
Skin Aging: 30

Body type: 12
Advanced Options: Waist: 31, 0

Body Skin: 1/9 Color: 3rd from the bottom
Height: 6' 0"

Headwear: Glasses: 6/39 Color: black
Clothes: 5/31 No color change
Clothes: 7/31 Custom Color X: -66 Y: -21 Shade: -54
Torso Accessories: 2/11 Stylize:

(pick your favorite design. None of them are the green one that he wore. I reccommend the striped one because i think it looks the best on him.)

Coats: 2/6 color: (any shade of black) stylize: there are two options. buttoned up, or open. Either one works, so just pick what you like best.

Bottoms: 25/34 Custom Color: X:-13 Y: -100 Shade: -100
Shoes: 23/29

There you have it. I know its not perfect, but it is my first attempt at a CAW. I will attempt to improve upon it in the future.