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CAW by freddiemyboy

Date added: 17th November 2007
Sanford, NC

Start with Basic Face: Face Type 8 remove all makeup

Body Type: -8
advanced options
N: 0 0 0
C: 0 32 26
B: 8 57 61
S: 2 10 10
A: 3 4 9
W: 9 9
A: -8 19 18
H: 0 0 0
L: -6 26 28
F: 0 5 6
Body Height 5'6"

Head Morphing
Head: 3 -19 -9
Forehead: 0 15 7 -1

E: 74 -63 54 -19
E: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N: -21 31 0 -9 30 22 65 -32
C: -28 5 -31 -11
M: 1 17 14 -17 24 2 11
J: 14 10 3 -7 -15 -21
E: 17 0 0 18
SA: 5

1 Body Skin 4/6 89 3 0
2 Face Skin 5/9
3 Eyes 2/8 100 -78 -31
4 Eyebrows 51/54 -98 -9 -1
5 Eyelashes 1/22 87 0 0
6 Lips 40/45 99 7 -3
7 Teeth 1/7 96 0 0
8 Hair 1/38 -100 22 -6 -72
9 Body Hair n/a
10 Underwear 2/28
11 Women Clothes 42/48 -100 -100 -100 sytlize default
12 Torso Accessoriers 1/10 stylize shorest 83 0 0 100
13 Make Up 60/65 92 0 0 38
14 Make Up 1/65 100 0 0 100
15 Make Up 29/65 93 0 0 19
16 Make Up 19/65 stylize smallest 97 0 -2 4
17 Make Up 16/65 100 0 0 100
18 Make Up 22/65 stylize 2nd smallest 98 0 0 4
19 Design Left Arm 135/137 put on shoudler -100 2 0 13
20 Wrist Bands Both Arms 1/22 -100 -100 -89 100 100
21 Wrist Bands Both Arms 7/22 -100 10 -5 100 97
22 Arm Accessories Right Arm 4/11 33 -27 -43 100
23 Tights 10/20 43 -29 -68 100 0
24 Socks 1/18 -100 -100 -95 100 59
25 Shoes 8/24 black
26 Belts 17/29 100 0 0 100

Lita Shirt
27 WWE Design 13/47 middle of shirt -85 -86 19 100
28 WWE Design 12/47 middle of shirt smallest size 74 39 15 100

29 Design 93/137 (heart) smallest put under layer 28 color pink
