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CAW by frodo_beutlin

Date added: 16th February 2008
Name: Daghero
Hudname: Daghero
Nickname: None
Nickname Placement: None
Introduction: The Superstar
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Gender: Male
Weight: Super Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: I put him to Smackdown. You can handle it, like you want to
Voice: Nr. 1
Match Speciality: Backstage Brawls


Hair: 50
Eyes: 6, Color Default
Eyebrows: 6 (x 89/y -78/s 35)
Facial Hair: Other Facial hair 25 (x -89/y 0/s 19/a 100)
Lips: 1 (x 98/y -47/s 3)
Skin Tones: 12
Eyelashes: 3 (x 87/y -62/s 51)
Teeth: 4 (x 96/y -23/s 3)

Head Morphing

Head: 0,0,0
Forehead: 3,41,0,75

Face Morphing

Eyebrows: 0,12,23,22
Eyes: 0,-31,31,55,-4,23,66
Nose: -73,23,-15,-11,38,23,22,-9
Cheeks: 0,-70,-39,38
Mouth: -7,-33,-44,47,26,84,-38
Jaw: 0,-22,31,-13,7,7
Ears: 35,-47,0,-30
Skin Aging: 27

Make-Up: 58 (x 95/y 0/s -21/a 100)
Make-Up: 2 (x 100/y 0/s -36/a 100)


Body Type: 10


Neck: 0,0,0
Chest: 0,0,0
Shoulder: 0,0,0
Abdomen: 0,0,0
Waist: 0,0
Arms: 0,0,0
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: 21,0,0
Feet: 0,0,0

Body Skin: 1 (x 85/y 19)
Body Hair: 7 (x 90/y -62/s 15)
Body Height 6'7'


Underwear: 1
Costume: 11, Pattern 1, Color Default (I choose a green tone)
Torso Accessories: 10, Color Brown
Gloves: Right Arm: 9, Pattern 8
Arm Accessories: Left Arm: 3, Color Blue

Head Attire

Mask: 11, Pattern 11 (x -31/y 7/s 15/a 100)
Glasses: 38 (x 38/y 39/s 2)
Horns: 8 (x -100/y 19/s 0)

Shoes: 1