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CM Punk
CAW by ja7kou87

Date added: 5th December 2006
Name: CM Punk

Head Morphing: (5, -3, 0)
Forehead: (0, 0, -20, -11)

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: (-100, -42, 31, -20)
Eyes: (0, -29, -31, -5, 20, -5, -18)
Nose: (0, 15, 10, 0, 10, -20, 0, -6)
Cheeks: (-100, 0, 0, -21)
Mouth: (0, -71, -16, -15, -11, -11, -44)
Jaw: (-2, 0, 25, -40, -26, 0)
Ears: Default
Skin Aging: 2

-Body Morphing-
Body Type: 0

-Advanced Options-
Neck: (-42, 3, 0)
Chest: (0, 0, 10)
Shoulder: (-51, 3, 0)
Abdomen: (0, 7, 11)
Waist: (10, 5)
Arms: (0, 0, 3)
Hands: Default
Legs: (0, 5, 9)
Feet: Default

Body Skin: 5 (92, 0, -2)
Body Height: 6'

02. Face Skin Tones: 1
03. Eyes: 1 (-15, 0, -65)
04. Eyebrows: 18 (89, 0, -46)
05. Eyelashes: 1 (87, 0, 0)
06. Lips: 1 (96, -2, -5)
07. Teeth: Default
08. Hair: 21 (83, 0, -72, 100)
09. Body Hair: None
10. Underwear: 1
11. Piercing: 12 and stylize it to rightside of his lips (76, -60, 12)
12. Facial Hair - Goatee: 7 (-100, -100, -100, 70)
13. Facial Hair - Goatee: 4 (91, 0, -24, 30)
14. Facial Hair - Other: 7 (89, 0, -30, 0)
15. Socks: 8 (-13, -100, -90, 100, 76)
16. Shoes: 1
17. Make up: 61 (93, 0, 0, 53)
18. Make up: 1 (100, 0, -100, 0)
19. Make up: 19 (93, -11, 0, 51)
20. Right Arm - Design: 50 biggest size (24, 0, -24, 0) see help pic 1
21. Left Arm - Design: 17 biggest size (31, -3, -25, 0) see help pic2
22. Gloves: 6 (-13, -79, 20)
23. Arm Tattoo: 147 (31, 30, -25, 0)
24. Left Arm - Design: 97 smallest V, 2nd largest H (-5, -14, -4, 40) see help pic2 and make pepsi tattoo.
25. Left Arm - Design: 97 rotate once, 2nd smallest V, smallest H (-92, 10, 14, 20) see help pic2 and make pepsi tattoo.
26. Left Arm - Letter - sign - page1: " ~ " 2nd largest V&H (-23, -100, 25, 90) see help pic2 and make pepsi tattoo.
27. Torso - Design: 103 2nd smallest V, 2nd smallest H (Yellow) Place it on his side of the underwear(left)
28. Torso - Design: 103 2nd smallest V, 2nd smallest H (Yellow) Place it on his side of the underwear(right)
29. Right Arm - WWE Logo: 16 rotate once, 2nd smallest V, 2nd largest H (100, 100, 0, 0) see help pic1
30. Right Arm - Design: 103 2nd smallest V, smallest H (90, -59, 37, 79) see help pic1
31. Torso - WWE Logo: 23 rotate twice, 2nd smallest V, Largest H (29, -60, -100, 0) place it on his abs.
32. Right Arm - WWE Logo: 23 rotate twice, 2nd smallest V, 2nd largest H (-39, 0, -100, 0) see help pic1