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Chris Jericho (Red Save Us_Y2J Attire)
CAW by .Lionheart

Date added: 30th June 2008
Name Chris Jericho
Hud Y2J
Nickname Default
Placement None
Announcer Introduction Christopher
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Weight Light Heavyweight 233 lbs.
Match Tactic: Clean
Show Raw
Voice 3
Match Specialty None

.Body Skin (1) 90,0,3
2.Face Skin Tones (11)
3.Eyes (2) -20,-100,-6
4.Eyebrows (51) 87,35,-5
5.Eyelids Default
6.Lips (6) 92,17,-27
7.Teeth Default

Head 22,7,5
Forehead 0,-100,3,-17

Eyebrows -74,16,5,-59
Eyes 0,-48,-12,-35,-14,-49,-3
Nose 0,19,92,6,-5,-66,-2,-6
Cheeks -43,-85,-43,-72
Mouth 73,-44,-68,-49,57,-26,-36
Jaw -45,-25,0,-45,-52,-86
Ears 8,-35,-27,1
Skin Aging 14

Body Type: 0

Neck -25,36,22
Chest 0,30,25
Shoulder 0,25,0
Abdomen 0,25,27
Waist 21,19
Arms 0,15,46
Hands -42,0,0
Legs 0,25,28
Feet 0,0,0

Body Skin:1
Body Hair: (the one with just the arms)
Body Height 6 Ft. 0 In.


1. hair 1/50 x76 y0 s19
2. Tights 5/20 x-100 y-100 s-79 a100 L100
3. Wristbands 1 x-100 y-100 s-100 a100 L13
4. Kneepads 1 x-100 y-100 s-100 a100
5. Other Facial Hair 19/27 x-100 y-100 s-100 a8
6. Shoes 2 x-13 y-78 s-74
7 .Left Leg Design 59 LV, LH preset white (place on outside of thigh)
8. Left Leg Design 119 2LV 2LH Default Colour
9. Left Leg Design WWE 1/47 (HBK) 2LV 3LH Default Colour
10. Right Leg Design 59 LV, LH preset white (place on outside of thigh)
11. Right Leg Design 119 2LV 2LH Default Colour
12. Right Leg Design WWE 1/47 (HBK) 2LV 3LH White
The next 3 layers make the square for Y2J
13.Design Torso 65 Default red
14. Design Torso 65 Default Red
15. Design Torso 65 rotate once Default red
16.Alphabet Page 1 Y default white
17.Number page 1 2 default white
18/. Alphabet page 1 J

LV= largest vertical
LH= Largest Horizontal

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