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Chris Jericho (King Of The World Attire)
CAW by Jerichoholics_Anonymous

Morphing by CaptainCAWisma, minus tweaks

Date added: 17th March 2008
Name Chris Jericho
Hud Chris Jericho
Nickname Default
Placement None
Announcer Introduction Christopher
Hometown Canada
Weight Light Heavyweight 230 lbs.
Match Tactic Clean
Show Raw
Voice 1
Match Specialty None

L=Largest S=Smallest V=Vertical H=Horziontal
Head and Face Morphing

Head 45,7,5
Forehead 0,-100,3,-17

Eyebrows -74,16,5,-59
Eyes 0,-48,-12,-35,-14,-49,-3
Nose 0,19,92,6,-5,-66,-2,-6
Cheeks -43,-85,-43,-72
Mouth 73,-44,-68,-49,57,-26,-36
Jaw -45,-25,0,-45,-52,-86
Ears 8,-35,-27,1
Skin Aging 14

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -25,36,22
Chest 0,30,25
Shoulder 0,25,0
Abdomen 0,25,27
Waist 21,19
Arms 19, 56, 51
Hands -42,0,0
Legs 30,25,28
Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 6 Ft. 0 In.


Body Skin (1) 90,0,3
Face Skin Tones (11)
Eyes (2) -20,-100,-6
Eyebrows (51) 87,35,-5
Lips (6) 92,17,-27
Teeth Default
Hair 34 68 100 -2 32
Goatee 14/27 80 0 0 100
Other facial hair 18/27 80 0 0 100
Sideburns 10/17 80 0 0 100

Mens Clothes 23/31 -100 3 -59 100 (entrance and cut scene only)
Mens bottoms 26/34 -100 3 -59
Elbow pads Right only default black
Shoes default

Design left leg 103/137 LV SH (from bottom of pants till above the knee) place on the side
Copy last layer
Then edit it and move up as far as it goes

Do the same for the right leg

and there you have the 41st (and hopefully best) Chris Jericho Caw
Brought To You by Jerichoholics_Anonymous

(Any questions can be sent to