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Alex Shelley
CAW by Ace_Xtreme

Date added: 5th March 2008
Name:Alex Shelley
Nickname: None
Nickname placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Alex
Hometown: Detriot,Michigan
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 215 pounds
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Raw
Voice: 4
Match Specialty: Ladder

Face Parts:
Hair:19 Style move over one to the left X -100 Y -100 S -26
Eyes:2 X 100 Y 0 S -11
Eyebrows:13 Default
Lips:1 X 97 Y 0 S -5
Skin Tones:2
Eyelashes and Teeth Default

Head 22,15,14
Forehead 30,3,56,26

eyebrows 17,3,-53,-16
eyes -2,16,-1,74,31,26,4
nose 0,-9,17,0,24,22,0,-5
cheeks 4,78,-19,1
mouth 44,5,-9,-39,-56,0,9
jaw 0,25,-47,-24,-54,3
ears 25,0,0,0
skin aging 2

Body Skin=4 2nd color down
Height 5'10
body hair default

Body Type 0
Advanced opitions
Neck 5,16,0
Chest 3,-5,-25
Shoulder -37,0,-3
Abdomen 16,16,0
Waist 5,4
Arms 1,5,3
Hands 2,9,5
Legs 0,15,30
Feet default


Change Underwear to 23 color X 100 Y-100 S -100
Make up 29: X 90 Y -2 S -2 A 94
Shoes default
Other Facial Hair 19: Preset Brown
Sideburns 16: X-86 Y 0 S 3 A 65
Gottee 3: X 100 Y -100 S -82 A 100

Bottoms 26: X -13 Y -78 S 3 Stylize to tighter one
Belt 17 Default Color

Top Assesory 1=Default color(entrence only)
Elbow Pads Both 9: X -100 Y -100 S -66 A 100
Gloves Right 16: X 96 Y - 84 S -100 A 100
Arm Band Left 1: X -100 Y -100 S -64 A 100 L 5
Headwear Design 95: Rotate once 2nd smallest vertical 2nd smallest horizinal place on eye use the preset black color
Body Desgin 103: 2nd big vert and horiz move to pants and make top level with belt after puting in place use the preset black and go to layer edit and move it under the belt

Body Design 85: 2nd smallest vert and horiz place in the middle of the black strip to give it the lace look use pleset white and after doing that go to layer edit and moe it under the belt but not under the black design

Leg Tattoo 38:Both Legs Preset black
arm Design Letter Aphlabet page 9/11: Right Arm spell MMG on the glove Preset White and default size for both m's make the G biggest size horizinal.

Head Design 103: Smallest size both ways use to cover the black face paint that gos past his eyebrow. X 91 Y -52 S 31 A 100


TLC page 18
Match Of The Year page 22
We Want Tables page 22
My Sign Upside Down page 21